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- Publication:
- The Greeneville Suni
- Location:
- Greeneville, Tennessee
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- 17
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FRIDAY JULY 23 13B0 THE GREENE VILLE SUN GREENEVILLE TENNESSEE PAGE FIFTEEN DENNIS The Menace The District of Columbia has been the scat of the United States government since Dec 1 1800 raaswiaE buitjb? (H QC IMMEDIATE SPECIAL NOTICES 5 SPECIAL NOTICE3 ARTICLES FOR SALE IS HOUSES APART MENTS FOR RENT ACREAGE ALE DELIVERY AT SAM ONE CALLUS SPORTMANS annual picnic will be held Saturday evening July 30 at William's Spring Plenty of entertainment: Quartet singing string music cake walk a good time for all Supper at 6 Be sure and bring the family 7-28-2tpd WURUTZER STUDIO size up- right piano CaU ME 8-5682 af-'Colkgc-Hihe 3-bedroonr-house' ter 5 pm 7-28-4tpd fuU basement electric heat CaU ME 8-6084 7-29tc LYNN SHEELEY CO BIG PIANO STOKE AT 109 East Main Street MORRISTOWN Open any evening by appoint- FOR Rent or Sale: Rent $8500 month SeU for $1200000 3 Bedroom home in Cherokee Estates Drive-in basement 144 ACRE farm Good 5 room house barn 105 tobacco base watered by spring pond cistern and weU in house This farm in high state of cultivation Good location $3500 down owner wiU carry Service Mills Inc Forest Street ME 8-5157 elec-balance at 5 per cent interest! ment Largest of newjtric heat Shown by appoint- DAVIS REALTY CO and used PIANOS in this section ment Write or phone James Phone ME 8-6301 of the South at Morristown 'Brown Jefferson City Phone 7-27-4tc LOTS FOR SALE CALL DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTION' By virtue of authority vested in us as Commissioners of Election for Greene County Tennessee we hereby call an election to be held in each and iti every voting precinct on birthday1 veddingen-August 4th I960 between GAGEMEN of other hours of 900 am andjat Greeneville Sun are pm in the town of Greeneville Tenn and 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in all rural precincts for the purpose of nominating the following officers to wit: A United States Senator a State Senator a United States Representative Office of Commissioner Public Service Commissioner a Direct Representative a Floterial Representative GREEN and white Kentucky Wonder beans $3 per bushel CaU ME 8-5588 7-26-ttc ATTENTION LADIES! Ivan Upholstery can make old sofas chairs likeew again i Finest materials Iquality workmanship Store Easy Budget terms or Rent to own STEINWAY EVERETT and CABLE-NELSON PIANOS LYNN SHEELEY CO F0UR room house for sale or Our 53rd Year rent Modern throughout Base- iifcer ment electric heat real nice al- 412 So Roan St Johnson City most new Next to corner HU1 tlWMBll CHOICE BUILDING SITES 5 Acres close in View of mountains unsurpassed Partly wooded Easily subdivided Phone ME 8-5131 7-25-4tc 258 Magnolia Ave Knoxville 7-25-6tc Crest Drive and Snapps Ferry Rd Phone ME 8-7697 Strong owner 7-29-6tpd BOATS AND MOTORS Ofl-rWfcrmHI lVi Feather Craft Vagabond Boat FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 HP Electric Mercury Beautiful modern 3 bedroom Motor BJtwell Trailor complete! Just close your eyes go id sleep air Wilson ILL SWAT TUB FUSS WUBH THEY LAND ON YAt 959 CHEVROLET KINGSWOOD STATION WAGON Capacity 9 passenger V-8 automatic ull power 13000 miles yew car 9AA11 warranty 959 CHEVROLET IM-PALA CONV V-8 automatic full power New warranty 52344 1959 CHEVROLET EL CAMINO V-8 automatic fully equipped New Warranty 51580 959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR' 2-door V-8 fully equipped new car warranty vIUwU 958 CHEVROLET BIS-CAYNE-4-door V-8 powerglide OK warranty vl faWw exceptional outfit 895100 Call Gene at Interstate Supply ME 8-3184 7-29-4 tc i pickup-15 pjece use(j dinette suite $24 50 This the la day of July' delivery 7-19-26tc 1960 value in our MSED FURNITURE 9 Piece used diningroom suite house Fullsize basement carport electric heat plenty of water from big spring dwarf orchard grape arbor garden 130 ft frontage on Warrensburg Road Located" mile outside city limits on Warrensburg Road Phone ME 8-6450 Rev Parkins 7-29-4tpd of Soviet leaders Kennedy were based 01 their apparent belief that the balance of power is shifting in their favor AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE 39 4 to tic cf? that 4 needed Vim? yoftf till Don't dele? an longer Wh risk missing 'any of the excil-J ing television doings during this 3960 Presidential' Campaign! Call Ms today1 Skilled technicians Ask 1 about our PRE-tLLCUOH Uf-SERVICE SPECIE ft SB ft Vice Mfltlf DEPENDABLB TUBBS DUGQiriS TELEVISION Corner Main McKee Dial ME 8-4772 in good condition $98 50 Oscar Bullen Chm i EXPERT photography work -W A Harold Jr Weddings Anniversary Hugh Wilhoit Birthdays Parties 1957 BelAir 2-tone green local car radio heater In excellent running condition Harrison Motor Co 7-27-4tc Special Sale! ALUMINUM AWNINGS Storm Doors Windows Aluminum Patios Carports Direct from manufacturers to you No down payment up to 5 years to pay Free estimates PHONE ME 9-9311 The Kent Co Inc Next to Justis Co Depot Street 2 Used sofa bed couches $24 50 NICE SMALL HOUSE on Locust each I Street Good lot Only $168000 Shaw Realty Co 7-28-4tpd 3 Piece maple living-room suite' USED CHEVROLET 210 green radio heater Good reliable Hartman LeRoy Weems 1 Democratic Primary Commissioners for Greene County Tenn 7-15-22-29-3tc BATTERIES NICE 2 bedroom house Complete bath hot and cold running water 2 miles from city limits near DeBusk School Sed 57 F0RD Statlon waSon- 9 Pas Bobby Waites or CaU ME1 sener air conditioner good 8-7415 after 5 pm 7-26-6tpd SALE Special occasions Contact Bobby Burns GreenevUle Sun Office or caU ME 9-9197 4-I3-26tpd iLET Is Cure Your Water Problems! If your water contains iroit sulphur mud or if your water Is it will pay you to sec us Complete line of water softeners and conditioners Deep well pumps Call ME 8-7861 for expert service Water Equipment Inc Located across from Magna vox Plant No 1 Hardin St 7-25-6tc $5950 2 Piece livingroom suite $29 50 2 Platform rocker frames for re-upholstering $250 each 1 Used wardrobe $1950 1953 CHEVROLET DEL-LAY 2-door 6 cylinder standard transmission warranty OWNER Leaving Town 2 bedrooms utility carport used baby bed and mat- ed porch ceding heat Forest 12 MO-Guar ante '57 FORD Custom 300 drives out good clean as a whistle Harrison Motor Co 7-27-4tc '57 FORD Victoria 66 radio heater 2-tone green finish An excellent family car Harrison Motor Co 7-27-4tc tress $950 1 Used oak cupboard $1250 1 Good used Philco refrigerator $9850 Hills THREE Bedrooms electric heat pine paneled kitchen full basement drive-in garage College Hills GOOD black 59 Ford jGOOD looking fenced-inl599? CALL OF REPUBLICAN PRIMARY We hereby call a Republican Primary Election in each voting precinct of Greene County Tennessee1 LOST: Car kevs on McWherter -on Thursday Aug 4 1960J Miligan adv key chain between the hours of 9 Finder return to Sun Am to 6:00 pm in the town Office Reward 7-29-ltpd of Greeneville and 9:00 strayed or Boston a to 4:00 pm in all rural Bulldog screw tail black and precincts for the purpose of! white Answers to the name of nominating a United States Rubbles: one black ear and one Senator State Senator last seen on Reed Ave United States found- contact Porter Mat' live Office of Starlight DrivPT sioner Public Service Com-ME missioner Floterial Repre- Bedrooms GOOD price terms GOOD! CaU ME 8-8985 CENTRAL TIRE COMPANY 7-29-4tc at? YOUR BEAN AND MILLET HAY With A NEW IDEA HAY' CONDITIONER Rubber Bottom Roll for Better Pick-Up Metal Top Roll for Crimping RUSSELL-SUSONG GREENEVILLE TENN Visit our second floor display of new living-room furniture and applinaces 7-26-4tc jTHREE electric GREENEVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY Depot St THREE corner THREE lot College Hills Bedrooms carport heat partial basement Forest Hills Bedrooms full basement electric heat Robinson Addition at Mosheim DIAL ME 8-3411 Senator Kennedy jCongrafulates llixon jOn Nomination 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR Sports Coupe V-8 automatic full warranty 1957 CHEVROLET 4-dr 6 cylinder standard shift Low mileage AC OK warranty llvw 1957 CHEVROLET 2 dr 6 cylinder standard shift fully equipped AC OK warranty Ivv 1958 CHEVROLET 4-TON PICKUP TRUCK Big bed V-8 4-speec transmission radio anc heater Warranty 1955 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE V-8 4-door powerglide fully equipped warran- 51035 1955 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE V-8 4 door powerglide fully equipped warran 51035 SERVICES AND REPAIRS FERTILIZERS FEEDS SEEDS 20 industries Call Joe Samples phone ME 8-6655 Free estimates 6-28-'26tpd WANTED TO BUY BALED STRAW $2500 per Ton Delivered Limestone SMITHDALE HEREFORD FARMS Limestone Tennessee sentative and Direct Rep resentative mInhiS thC 15th day WELL DRILLING for home and laou Willis Berry Chm Miss Lucy Mclnturff Sec Mrs Pearl Courtney Million Billy Davis Greene County Republican Primary Board 7-15-22-29-3tc ANTENNA SERVICE Installation on all types antennas or present antenna repaired Terms available Sinks Radio and TV Service 206 Cutler Phone ME 8-5687 CHICKEN LITTER for sale this week Best fertilizer for lawns gardens and what have you $10 per ton Service MUls Inc Forest St Dial ME 8-5157 7-27-4tc PRICED Right 3 bedrooms electric heat carport utility HYANNIS PORT Mass (AP HOME REALTY COMPANY sen John Kennedy congratu-315 Tusculum Blvd fated Vice President Richard ME 8- 6114 Nixon today on his winning the 7-23-6tc Republican presidential nomina- FOR SALE trade or rent New 3-bedroom home with drive-in! od a conference at basement 1 mile city limits onjs "TS hT h7e 1 Newport Highway SaUs- He! Ca XV ambas bury ME 8-5977 Umted second place on the ticket the ieu 1 mpi rr 'Democrats will have a vigorous ACREAGE flght the falL- Sen Henry Jackson of Washington the new Democratic national chairman appeared with Kennedy at the news conference Kennedy denied that he once LIVESTOCK AND SUPPLIES 11 AR mm HOLSTEIN heifer calf 4 months old Also calf 18 months oldj2 ACRE acre tobacco base part Angus WiU scU or swap 'Locate near chuckey 4 Room for hay Phone ME 8-7069 'house barn BRYANT REALTY CO Office Over Sear 7-28-6tpd Dial ME 8-6491 CALL of ELECTION By virtue of authority vested in us as Commissioners of Election for Greene Countv Tennessee MFV wVTFn we hereby call an election t0 55 to be held in all voting pre- To train as heavy equipment op-cincts of Greene County era tors Operators needed Tennessee Thursday Au- throughout USA Earn in excess fgust 4th 1960 between thejof $8000 per year Train near hours of 900 AM and 6 home Budget arrangements MALE HELP WANTED 10 1956 CHEVROLET V-8 powerglide 4 -do or Be Air OK Warranty fully equipped Real nice car anty fully 51295 7-23-6tpd BUTLER ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Authorised Dealer BROOK MOTORS 1 to 600 Horsepower Brushes for All Power Tools and Motors DIAL ME 8-5631 511 North Main St Butler Owner Seven (7) pure bred Jersey cows heavy milkers artific-aUy bred See Jack Bryant five miles on Newport Hwy near gg Cedar Hill Church Phone ME 8-6086 7-28-4 tc FARM ACRE farm Good house barn 5 acres tobacco base! SmaU down payment sajd President Eisenhower should apologize to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev as reported by former New York Gov Thomas Dewey in Chicago Wednesday night said the President should have expressed regret over the crash of the U2 in Soviet Kennedy said than issue a statement that turned out to be a The Democratic presidential nominee said he mind what Dewey a two-time GOP presiden-i bearer said about 14 MONTH old registered Angus bull for sale Sired by son ACRES SmaU tobacco base International Champion Seel 5 room house small barn in the town of Greene-iWrlle £ivin8 name address and 1 Billy Swecker Mosheim Tenn mediate possession SmaU down 1955 CHEVROLET door V-8 straight drive radio and heater fJQC Warranty 1954 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder Delray 1 5595 1959 DESOTO Firedome 4-Door Sedan Push But-ton Drive Power Steering and Power Brakes Radio and Heater Very Low Mileage Owned by Local Business Man A Sacrifice 52295 1959 STUDEBAKER Lark 6 Cylinder 2-Door Sedan Standard Shift Heater White Wall Tires Low Mileage Perfect for that Second 51595 1955 OLDSMOBILE Holiday Coupe All Power Equ 'ned Radio and Heater SQCJC White Wall 'xu-es Locally Owned Only 1955 STUDEBAKER Champion 2-Door Sedan Overdrive Transmission Heater New Tires Sold New to a Local Minister Runs Perfect A Bargain at IIEIIDRICKSOH MOTOR CO OLDSMOBILE-- STUDEBAKER TUSCULUM BLVD GREENEVILLE TENN 7-27-6tpd'PaJ'mcnt- Owner wUl finance ville and 900 AM to 400 phone number to National School in 11 rural for the purpose of electing a Trustee Superintendent FEMALE HELP GOOD work mule for sale about 145 ACRE farmAverage build 7 years old See Kader ings 7 acres tobacco base Caney Branch Warrensburg Rd I had tial standard Good WANTED 11 of Schools Superintendent price 6 ROOM house Near town Full size basement excellent view of mountains Situated on a nice 100' 150' lot THE LEROY WEEMS AGENCY charge and the service la as INSURANCE REAL ESTATE of Roads Tax Assessor: Sheriff Supreme Court! Cuddle a zed woman to stay Middle Grand Division! Wiu5 family of five Must be Court of Appeals Middle neat clean CaU Brown Davis CURTISS BREEDING SERTICE Our Sires Are Your Sires 5 Dairy Breeds 3 beef and milxing shorthorn $600 only HAWTHORNE LATEX PAINT (MADE BY ARMSTRONG) All colors no odor dries in 20 minutes Goes on any surface 3 25 GaL The Grover Bird STORE Depot SL Dial ME 8-4731 7-29-ltpd Grand Division Road Com-iCL 7-2882 missioners Justices of the! Peace and Constables for MALE AND FEMALE close ss your telephone or milk hauler' CaU day or night Paul A Nye ME 8-6494 4-4-tfc Greene County Bank Buildinr Greeneville Tennessee Telephone ME 8-5391 7-28-6tc HELP WANTED 12 worse things said about me in my own party And Gov Dewey as a political prophet is not without Asked if he felt President Eisenhower's support would be of value to Nixon Kennedy said be will be then added be glad to have his cooperation hut I believe he is committed elsewhere" Answering questions about-national defense Kennedy said don't think is any doubt about the present strength of the United States being to that 'of the Soviet Union' question is the relative rate of growth By 1961 to 1963 unless we take immediate action we will slip in'o a secondary posi- yaw atai COUPLE in semi-retirement to live in home and care for elderly man living near Cedar Creek Phone ME 8-3706 or ME 8-4051 7-26-41C the various districts This the 14 day of July i960 Sam Shaver Chm Max Douthat Sec William Tweed Commissioners of Election for Greene County Tenn 7-15-22-29-3tc 67 ACRE 74 Tobacco base 1 acre and 310 tobacco and crops goes with farm 5 Room house barn See Lulu Naulta near Camp Creek 7-26-4 tpd t- jfW it vxm Greensville Nurseries Complete Landscaping Service Tomato and Spring Plants Mi on Morristown Hi-way CaU ME 8-3472 FARM EQUIPMENT 23 66 NEW baUer ex-ceUent condition $775 Side delivery rakes $50 up PTO International corn harvester A-l condition $250 15 Tractor mowers $50 up 1951 Ford tractors 695 10 other tractors $250 up Plows discs tiUers end other equipment Used Ford and Ferguson parts price A Rambo Camp Creek 7-29-6tpd 94 ACRE farm with 6 room house tj acre tobacco base WANTED: FACTORY EXPERIENCED SINGLE NEEDLE OPERATORS LOFTEN GARMENT COMPANY he said The recent city water Located in Limestone Price $7500 CaU CL 7-3581 or see Clifford Hensl-v jJ-25-6tc NICE 8 to 10 acre farm 5 room1 house hardwood floors water i in house nice shrubbery good barn 410 tobacco base on paved highway Crops goes PETS AND SUPPLIES 24 CHECK OUR LOW PRICES HOW! ReadyMix Announcing Mr Walters is now associated with Furniture and Jewelry 18 Years Experience IGONGRET EXPERIENCED tile mechanic Will instaU asphalt vinyl asbestos rubber plastic and ceramic tile also inlaid linoleum For fiee estimate call Dial ME 9-9312 7-28-4te OFF ON ALL NEW Chevrolet Units SAM RILEY Mohawk Pho ME 8-83! COCKER puppies for sale Registered show type buff black and tan 6 weeks 'old Also one buff male 4 months old Reason- 15 ACRES real good land in-able Mrs Howard Yost 226 city lijnjts on highway Irish Phone ME 8-3544 610 Tobacco Ideal for factory 7-27-6tc shopping center school church service station bulk tationor sub station 1 ONE of the best 230 sere faims 7 ARTICLES FOR SALE IS Ji 4 ML We Make Any Specification Desired QUICK DELIVERY DIAL ME 8-4493 LABORATORY DESIGNED STRENGTH GUARANTEED 1 GFlEEieiLLE BEADY MIX "BOHANNON AVE GREENEVILLE TON Matins air conditioner Used very little CaU ME 8-8906 after 5pm $75 1 7-27-6tc MODERN 5 room house 11 con- AU £afor land 100 acres level bottom veniences full basement Located 411 Highway Call ME 8-4956 7-28-4 tc WALTERS Let us restore your watch to accurate service repair or restyle your jewelry Top craftsmanship modest charges Dims FuniiuunEv 5 FT PLATE GLASS picture indow with plate glass storm window 2 Side windows with storrp windows and screens I Phone ME 8-4603 Dale Parks land dairy barn creek lake and springs 2V4 Acre tobacco Close-in Good highwav JACKSON'S REALESTATE CO Phone ME 8-7793 7-29-4 tpd 4 ROOM house with bath unfurnished practicallv new Located Kingsley Addition 7-28-6tpd' Phone ME 8-3894 7-28-4tpd ARtlY Jl 1.
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About The Greeneville Sun Archive
- Pages Available:
- 86,407
- Years Available:
- 1912-1963