Grayson County News-Gazette from Leitchfield, Kentucky (2025)

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Grayson County News-Gazettei

Leitchfield, Kentucky

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rAGP 4 GRAYSON COUNT NEWS Leitchfield Kentucky RIDAY OCTOBER 17 1947 in Higgs of of Nov Enlarged and and Cir firc Motor Oils Wilson ATTENTION ALL VETERANS! McCrady Phone 196 Bob's lying Service ALICE (HILI SOUPS SANDWICHES THEATRE HAMBURGERS PIES LEITCHIELD CIGARETTES SOT DRINKS COMING ATTRACTIONS BAR (ANDIES CHARLES PAYNE Manager miOlllilMBIIBBIffllMlllliilM ring 4 179 acres located 7 miles north of Leitchfield Two two of house etc This farm meat 4 "BLONDIE KNOWS oo rraan entress WED and THURS OCT 22 23 4 AUBREY MOORMAN ELZA ENTRESS 4 to INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Complete Service LEITCHIELD Kt A WALK IN THE SUN PHONE 157 the year Good check for corn 40 acres bottom land average fencing and just look at this price $4500 4 fine large barns two hen houses brooder of Louif end with Cash and MONTHLY MEETING YOUNG WOMEN'S CIRCLE spending with his Milestone the men! rantic antics hit the prize and swing swing! ended the ne Hayes PENNY SINGLETON ARTHUR LAKE LARRY SIMMS BARGAIN OR QUICK SALE 4 Standard Oil Service Station SUNDAY ATERNOON and MON and TUES OCT 19 20 21 4 4 Mr Wal in Louis Jones of to their spending Many Countries Have Devel oped Their Own Special Shepherd Breeds Now Open CITY CAE Handling More Paris Accesscries Gasoline 4 Production Bringing 4 I best friend is a pige on thrown him out the doghouse the dog!) Learn io fly with Bob's lying Service Get your eligibility forms at the Court House each Thursday 4 1 Mudd is Louisville Mrs Earl Mudd Timber Destruction During the five yeare before war an annual average of 32 million acres of forest land was destroyed by fire 34 mile off highway dwellings large crib house concrete floor has everlasting water 40 acres in timber beech oak popular etc Large tobacco base 34 acres $3700 worth of tobacco sold off the farm in one Califorina are Carrier of Clean Modern Convenient CANEYVILLE KY with Mrs Arnold Thursday evening Leader Mrs Elea BEST" A Lewis These are life the tempo of our times! Powerful and Starring DANA ANDREWS RICHARD CONTE with Mrs Season Wool Dry Masoned wood kindles morsulckly' and is easier to tend and regulate than wet or green wood Drying weed for a short time is better than not drying it at all To hasten drying split the green logs into small sticks Another disadvan tage of green wood is that it leaves more creosote soot and other de posits in the chimney than dry wood orester say that if green wood must be used it should put on a hot fire "COME OUT IGHTING" RI and SAT OCT 17 and 18 LEO GORCEY HUNTZ HALL BILLY BENEDICT GABRIEL DELL The Young Women's Circle Leitchfield Methodist Church held their regular month ly meeting Ramsey last Devotional nor Kinser Mrs Clyde Stekileather cle Chairman presiding 4 4 H' 44'4 4 4' v4 44 4 4'4 4 44 44 4'4 44 Mr and Mrs A Hayes left last Wednsday for their home in Burlingawe Calif after spend ing several days with Mr and Mrs Tucker ormerly rank Sandwich Shop South Side of Public Square Leitchfield We invite you to visit us when in Leitchfield You are always welcome at the City Cafe PLATE LUNCHES Mrs Layman Louisville Wednsday consulting an eye socialist Miss Mary Clark and ter Clark spent Monday ville Mr and Mrs Everett Mrs Jr Byers and son return 1 ect none riciay from Joseph Infirmary in Mr Sam McIntyre spent Sun uay in Owensboro McIntyre and son Mr Oscar Jones of Louisville spent Wednesday here Mr and Mrs Zay Cincinnati returned home Thursday after several days here with relaives Mrs Anita Miller who has been in New Jersey for several months is visiting friends here Mrs Wallace Mrs Lillie Johnson and Miss Annie Killick spent tuesday in Louisville Border Collie rounding np cheep sledge dog' has also been used for the herding of reindeer on the tundras of Siberia In England and Amer ica the Border Collie which has been bred for herd work for 300 years is the most frequently used sheep dog The Border Collie is known for intelligence obedience and working ability Standing about 18 inches at the shoulder this dog has a dense coat of black with white markings on the col lar feet and tail tip Weights run from thirty to forty pounds The Border head is shorter and broader and his eyes larger than those of big the Scotch Collie Puppies im come from working stock frequently display an inter est in sheep as early as seven or eight weeks of age The first les son is usually taught at three to four months when the puppy is taught to lie down on signal and to walk at heel on command Training is simplified if the young dog can be allowed to follow the example of a well schooled older dog but many fine sheep dogs have been trained without ever having seen another dog work The education of a sheep dog re quires both time and patience but once his dog is trained the fannerr herdsman will wonder how he ever managed without his four footed helper Those interested in ebtaining instructions for the training of a sheep dog may have them free of charge by writing to the Gaines Dog Research Center 250 Park Avenue New York 17 Trials for sheep dogs are held at annual contests in New England and California Working at dis tances of hundreds of yards and guided by signals from their own ers given by means of outstretched arm or gesture with a cane the dogs demonstrate their ability by herding a group of sheep through a complicated course and finally into a small pen Large galleries of spectators who attend the trials are invariably impressed with the skill and sagacity exhibited by the canine contestants as they go through the maneuver ot han dling a flock In the handling of large flocks of sheep on the farm a good herd dog ofttimes accomplishes the work of two or three men states the Gaines Dog Research Center New York City An old saying goes that is no good flock without a good shepherd and there is no good shepherd without a good In Scotland where the work of the sheep dog has reached near per fection no shepherd would con sider selling as he would feel himself helpless without his trained ally The sight of a small black and white Border Collie driving a flock of sheep along a road or through a village in a calm business like manner is so common in that country as to at tract no attention whatsoever While it is believed that the first association with man was as his hunting companion and helper certainly his second trust was as guardian of flocks and herds Though there was little communication between primitive peoples the 'abil ity as herder and guardian was early discovered and utilized by many different races and tribes Many countries have developed shepherd breeds and while these vary widely in size and appear ance their work is identical Bel gium produced the Belgian Sheep dog and the Bouviers de landre The Briard comes from rance Hungary developed the Pulik and the Komondorok The Welsh Corgi Old English Sheepdog Border Collie Shetland Sheepdog and Collie all originated in the British Isles The German Shep herd and the Giant Schnauzer are of course products of Germany The Australian Sheepdog or Kel pie has proven his value in the rugged sheep raising country The Samoyede though generally considered a Lannie Smith's of Iowa and Mr and Mrs Hamed of Walters Okla visited Dr and Mrs Tucker riday of last week Dr and Mrs Tucker and Er and Mrs A Hayes at Mr and Mrs Alpha Mudd and children spent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs Riley Mudd and children Mr and Mrs Alford James of Brownsville spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Virgil and children Mr this week in son Mr and Mr and Mrs Estille Mudd and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thomas Mudd and children Mrs Oscar Carrier and Mrs Aubrey Lowe spent riday with Mr and Mrs Woosley Mr Hershall Taylor of Louis ville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Taylor and daughter Mr and Mrs Alfred James and children and Mr and Mrs Virgil McCrady and children spent Sun day with Rev and Mrs Mc Crady and children Mr and Mrs George Decker and daughter spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Riley Mudd and children Miss Hallie Mae Mudd of Louis ville spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Thomas Mudd and children Mr and Mrs Gilbert Mudd are the proud parents of a baby girl Carolyn Jean Dr and Mrs Glasscock Detroit michigan are spending a tew days witn ner cousin Miss Hattie Lee Skaggs of Clarkson Mrs Campbell is spend ing a few weeks in Louisville I Mrs Akeridge of Clark son is in Louisville visiting children Mr and Mrs Herbert Carrier of Los Angeles visiting Mrs Clarkson Mr Wilbur Yates ville spent the week Mr and Mrs Calvin Mr John Lile Mrs Tom Morgan Mrs Richie Cannon Mrs Hal Clagget Mrs Maggie Coile and Mrs A Moor man spent Tuesday in Louisville Mr and Mrs John Kuprin of Louisville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Ruth Mr Mattingly of Nash ville Tenn spent the week end with his parents Mr and Mrs Mart Mattingly Nta'' gSW i JvJr anr( i were in I I the st jooo wen uoa Louisville Valuable Help To the armer lie A Picture of A Dream of Dr Miller The poem given below is the story of a dream of Dr Miller of Louisville The dream was instrumental in leading him to Christ He is a nephew of Mrs Ambler Chick of near Bea ver Dam The poem follows: LOST BUT' OUND I was lost in a dense wilderness Not knowing which way to go I prayed and pondered over and over again or the way I wanted to know Suddenly there appeared a man And pointed the way I should go I started and no rougher way Is possible to know On and on I went over bushes bramble and bogs It led me over the roughest way Even rocks tree laps and logs Occasionally someone would cross my path And try to draw me aside But no I could not do it and ollow the way of my Guide I came to what seemed an im passable barrier A cliff towering high in the sky And to a tired and bedraggled wayfarer It seemed impossible to get by: It was tall and with overhang ing boughs Says It may be hard to climb but try I scaled with a strong determina tion That overcomes all and and I was almost ready to touch solid land I heard a voice in distress be low I turned to give advice and succor To whom I did not know Back up the tree I went And dropped to the ground be low or I was following the Guide who was sent To direct me how to go On and on I traveled Until I came to a beautiful road 'Y I said: Oh how I would like to go that way i' 'But there my Master stood He again and I obeyed Him This led me over deserted land Over rocks briers and gullies1 But I was being led by His hand I came to a very rocky hill A man trying to climb it in a car Up and back and up and back I was sure he get far Why on way I thought does he not leave it And travel as It is slow I krtow but I will get there bye and bye On I went this dreary way As only a lonely one could Until I came to what seemed to me Another impassible barrier stood It looked like a wall of concrete With over hanging ceiling of same I knew not how to get thru it But my experience had taught me to be game I reached up and a hand hold appeared And each time I reached it came out Until the top of wall and ceiling I neared How oh how will I ever get thru but I Pushed it open and more beauti ful scenery gladdened the eye I looked and oh what rapture for I saw a Heavenly sight Everything a golden hue and on may right Was a tree with Golden Guild On the left a wel and windlass A woman with water to give I clapped my hands and praised Him who is over us I beheld a wonderful sight a chorus Singing and paying fo the lost one just saved I shouted cheered and thank ed Him or the trials I had braved DR MILLER 1784 West Oak Louisville Kentucky OAK GROVE Mr and Mrs Wilbur lisle of I Louisville spent Sunday with his dad and brother and onzo Hale Mr and Mrs Elbert Williams of Leitchfield visited Mr and Mrs Estill Johnson Sunday morning Mrs Olliva Paris of Louis ville spent last week with Mr and onzo Hale Mrs Mitchell Miller and daughter redia were visitors of Mr and onzo Hale and Mrs Olliva Paris Wednesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Mitchell Miller and family attended church at Little lock Sunday afternoon Miss Retha Skaggs of Royal spent part of last week with hr sister Mrs Herman Phillips and sons Mr and Mrs Shirley Skaggs of Louisville were guest of his sister Mr and Mrs Herman Phillips riday night Mr and Mrs Wilile Scott and sons of Louisville were week end guest of Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Malcom Lawson Guest of Estill Johnson Thurs day were: Mrs Mitchell Miller Mrs Herman Phillips and sons and Miss Retha Skaggs Mr John Haycraft spent this week end at Snap visiting his motrer Mrs Mary Haycraft Euel son who got his arm broke in three places and a dislocated wrist at the Ajax Skating Rink is out of the hos pital and is recovering Mr Cly Hodge and Mr Essie Hodge have swapped farms Mr and Mrs Lorenzo Hale of Louisville spent this week with friends here Mr and Mrs Gany Paris are with Mrs Tice Hudson this week Mr and Mrs Raymond Rich adson visited his parents Mr and Mrs EaErl Richardson this week irst Waterworks The first mnuicipal waterworks in America were begun in Phila delphia in 1799 according to th Encyclopaedia Britannica The first water was sent through wood pipe en January 27 1801 Southern ox Squirrel The southern fox squirrel is the only squirrel in America which has a white nose and white ears IIIhllllllllllillllllllBIIIIIIIIIIIHW CATHERINE'S Beauty Shoppe Phone 89 for an appoint meni at Catherine's Beauiy Shoppe We have all type permanents ranging in price from three twenty five dollars Efficient op eraiors guarantee all Location: OVER RED RONT STORE Catherine Clageii Mrs John McDonald WRITE! Your Senators Representatives or a one half million dollar appropriation for widening and deepening Rough Creek and Caney Creek (HKKABEE ARMS Clyde Burden Mgr Spring Lick Ky IT PAYS TO SEE MUDD IRST GROCERIES AND illing Station WMMUDD Caneyville Ky Route 4 Telephone 412 DO YOU NEED Windows Molding Doors (uslom Planing rames looring Trim Lumber Sizing Ripping Weather Boarding OR NEW (ONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR WORK It will pay you io see Graco Lumber Co Incorporated On 62 Leitchfield Ky.

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Grayson County News-Gazette from Leitchfield, Kentucky (2025)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.