The Grenola Greeting and Chief from Grenola, Kansas (2024)

I VOli XVII GEENOLA, ELK OOTJNTY, K.ANSA8. SATURDAY JUNE 6, 189 6- NO 23 THE Grand Summit JNewn. Editor Chief: In your last issue you Heart Disease Cured By Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Quality, Quantity, and price right at are always just J.

stores. We are Children. for Infants HIST years' observation of millions of persons, permits and a nice line ol dress goods suit able for the summer season. Our line of most extensive in isn't it about time ine that summer It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has ever known. It is harmless.

Children like It gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as child's medicine. Castoria destroys Castoria allays Feverishnessi, -'fij Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Ccrd. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic' to swelter all through the hot weather with your last winter's clothes on when cheap, Kfflimffil Our Grocery Departments are complete in every respect.

Good delivered to any part of the city promptly. Leave orders at store Castoria relieves Teething Troubles; Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralizes tho effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or any, other narcotic. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.

Castoria is put up in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every purpose." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. 'or hand to deliverymnn. Branch stores at Cloverdale, Grand Summit and North Main street, Grenola.

The fae-simile Children Cry for THC OCNTAUn COMPANY, TT For Groceries, Flour and feed Queensware Tiirwarey Notions, Cigars and tobacco Try 0, SHACKELFORD Grenola, f- 00 late for lust wtok, 1- John made a trip-to mill on Caney last Tuesday. D. M. Ellis shipped a car of hay from ere this week. E.H.

Bradberry's men unloaded a car of oats here on Tuesday of this tored them in Campbells barn. Grass was never better at this season the year before and stock is doing ex tremely well, Corn is looking well and with plenty rain will affsrd a bounteous yield. Hiatt went to Winfield on busi- ess this week. General Barnes has purchased a new it has one objection tbat is, it takes six people to run-it. Gideon Lease thought his potatoes were frost bitten last Saturday night be cause they were so badely wilted next morning, but this was erroneous however the boys played foot ball in the patch about three hours last Saturday night.

In the foot ball game last Sunday sev eral were severely injured. The injured are as follows: John Barnes sprained ancle, caused by kicking ground instead of ball. Henry Conley one lip gone, caused by ball hitting him in mouth. Guy Stevens one hip fractured due to icking at the ball wigt both feet at the same time and coming in contact with the ground immediately afterwards. Chas Ellis one leg badly brused by some one kicking him instead of ball.

The injured are all doing well and we think they will be able soon to lake part in another game. Blackwelland Vicinity. The street sprinckler has had a lew days hy off on account of rain. Cutting wheat is la full blast down here. Col.

A. J. Blackwcll was tip from David this week. The band boys will be in readiness to furnish music on July, School is out and tt is a noticable fact that Biackwell has her full quote of small street loafer's. At a meeting of the school board last Sttorday the present corps of teachers were unanimously elected for the com ing year, though they were given ten dajs in which to accept, it is likely all will remain.

The streets of 51ackwelt were chucked full of teams Decoration day. Lawn tennis and croquet seem to be the past time among the young ladies of Biackwell. The social dance given in Mann's hall Tuesday night, under the management of Prof. C. Clark was enioved bv a large number of young folks.

Prof. Davis and Mrs. Miller who have been teaching in the Biackwell schools are attending the Territorial Institute at Edmond, this week. C. W.

Kelly of Vernon Township, pre sident oi the Free Home League, was in Biackwell the fore part of the week Sheriff Masters was collecting delin quent taxes in this township-the fisst of the week. He says taxes are being paid more promptly tnis year than they were last, and that the amount of Penalities and Mileage fees will amount to but very little this year as payments will most all be made by June 15th; the time for adding Penalties. It is rumored that Biackwell is going to have anothei bank before long. C. M.

McClellan of Claremore I. was looking after his interest in Kay county the first of the week. A heavy rain fell Saturday night fill ing the" branches, which will add won dertuuy to Kay counties prosperous corn crop. Fred Wilson and Fred Bailey of Town site Board No. 8, will finish their official business in this city this week.

Cap-E, Rickey and Attorney D. S. Rose attended the Democratic convent! on at Oklahoma City, last Tuesday. The horse races at the tiver side race track last Saturday were interest! )g and exciting. Visiting horsem*n were in attendance from Ponca City and other towns.

The 300 yard was thjj most interesting race of the day. The four starters, Bald Hornet, Red Buck, a sor rcl mare from Ponc and "old bolly" of Biackwell finished in the order named seven pony races were run for small purses later in the evening. The Discovery Saved His Life Dr. G. Caillouette, Druggest, Beavers ville, 111 says: "To Dr.

Kings new dis covery I oe my life. Was taken with LaGrippe and tried all the physicans for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Hav ing Dr. Kings new discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get "better, and after usiog three bottles was up and about It is worth its weight in gold. We wont keep store or house with out it." Gel a free trial J.

N. Aubu chon'i, Drug Store. WANTED-AN IDEASSSSSffiS thinrfnnaUnl? Pmlwl x-n-Moat tl.t... i brine wealth. Write JOHN WEUbfiR- 1 BUH.VA Puti-nt Atiornevs, Washington, V.

for tlieir $1,800 prue ooVr. say to of So in or it I i had a letter from O. B. Gunn of Kansas City, in which he describes the. condU tion of things in Old Mexico.

I would in the commencement that Mr. Gunn would make a good evangelist for the doctrine of despair in a gold standard country. But what is the use of going Mexico when there is such a field for work right here at home. If a person is looking for things that bad all he needs do is to go to any of our large cities or among the Georgia or Carolina caackcrs or a large part of the negroes the south. 1, myself, have seen con ditions that simply begger description.

great was the suffering that Uncle Sam appointed and kept in active operation for a number of years what was called the Freedman's Bureau. Look at the countless charitable societies to-day taxed beyond their capacity to relieve want and destitution, But this is not what started out to talk about but about Mexico. Mr. Gunn his travels of 2,500 miles in Mexico did not see anything particular to rec ommend that country, it seems that nothing but squallcr and destitution meets the eye as soon as you cross the Texas line. There has not been a good rain in some parts of Mexico for seven eight years and still the merchants are prosperous.

New suppose that Kan sas should not have a good rain in eight years and nothing but cacti and musquit would grow, how many propserous mer chants would there be? And if labor- orers only got 25 to 50c a day the purch- sing power of hich was. only one-half what it is now, how many prosperous merchants would there be in Kansas? If the Mexican government refused to coin its own silver as the United States does and would go to issuing bonds to keep up a gold reserve, how long would be until it would be hopelessly bank rupt? Mr. Gunn tells us that about the first thing that meets your eye when you get into Mexico is a sign that you can ex change a dollar of United States money foriSi 79 Mexican money, and, of course it made him feel quite wealthy. He would, no doubt have felt like a million aire if he had only found out that they pay a greater premium on American workmen. Something over a year ago read a letter that was written by railroad man to a friend in Des Moines Iowa, snowing that he receivea more than twice as much in Mexican money for the same work than he had formerly received in Iowa and that he was saving more money.

Mr. Gunn tells us that corn is wsrth $1.40 or about 75c in our money and that the crops looked all right in Texas and we know that Texas ihas had two good crops in succession. You can raise corn as cheap in Texas as Kansas. Now the duties on corn must be unreasonably high or else the railroads charge high for freight, Mr. also tells us that he found the most primitive methods and at one place about 2co lived in caves.

As to such conditions as these he need not go any further than the Colorado cliff dwellers. or around some of the coal mines of Kansas. I am told that these conditions are enlarged upon in other slates. As to people putting on a suit of clothes and never taking it off as long as it would hoi; getlier, 1 think we see that condition right here in Kansis. The other day there was a man came along carrying an enormous load his busi jiess was mending tinware and varnish ing furniture.

He was 50 dirty and re pulsive that you could hacdly stay in his company. On inquery I lound.OH that he was living on about ten cents a day, that day ha had been extremely fortunate and had made twenty cents He was very independent, carried hi Own lent and cooking utensils. This man was a native ol Illinois, a fine schol ar and shorthand writer. He said he could get a position as book-keeper il he only had money or friends to buy it. Said he was sinking for the south where there are no labor unions.

Mexico needs Schools and teachers. If they, were properly educated thej would not work for 50c a day unless in extreme cases. If Mr. wants to fasten the gold standard permanently on the American people he should do everything in his power against free schools, We would soon come to that beautiful condition that Blaine described of the poor in gold standard nations Mr. Gunn says tbat those who for 1 political purposes say that Mexico is prosperous prmulgate a monstrous untruth.

From all my information about Mexico I have never heard any one claim prospcrty for the Peons or Indians and mixed breed which constitutes three-fourths of the inhabitants, neather do I believe tbat Mr. G. would claim pjsj-perity for the cliff dwellers, the crackers the Southern negroes, the sweat shops of the United Stales or the various tribes of indians that are the wards of the nation. But there is another class which amount to about three millions which no one can deny but that they are doing far better than wi are here in Kansas. I one had a lift of wages paid to the various kinds of workmen; it was altogether differant from the list that' Mr.

G. quotes. This man lived in Mexico and was not interested in our politics. He said that manufacturies were 'springing up and that things in general were getting better. It is almost impossible for a man with a fixed incom and who lives on the in terest, rents or profits of real estate to give an unbiased account no matter how hone! ur truthful he is.

L. A. Wolfe. FatntlDg, Weak or Hungry Spells, Irregular or Intermittent Pulsolutterlng or Palpitation, Choking Sensation, Shortneu of Breath, Swelling of Foot and Ankloe, am mptonu of a diseased or Weak Heart. MRS.

N. C. MILLER. Of Fort Wayne, writes on Nov. 29, ISM; "I was afflicted for forty years with heart trouble and suffered untold agony.

I had 'weak, hungry spells, and my heart would palpitate so hard, tho pain would bo so acute and torturing, that I became so woalt and nervous I could not sleep. I was treated by sevoral physicians without relief and gave up ever being well again. About two years ago Icommonced using Dr. Miles' Remedies, One bottle of the Heart Cure stopped all heart troubles and the Restorative Norvino did tho now I sloop soundly and attend to my household and social duties without any trouble. Sold by druggists.

Book sont free. Address Sr. Miles Medical Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health.

J. T. Lanteb, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Collections a specialty. Grenola, Kansas. Sol L.

Long, Attbrney-at-Law. Practice in all Courts, Grenola, Kansas B. R. O'Cx nnor, Physician Surgeon Chronic Cases and iseas-es of Children Specialties. Office First Door South of SiaebtJ-ford's Store.

HATFIELD, M. Physician Surgeon. U. H. Pension agent.

Coronor for Elk county. Otace hours 9 to 12 a. 1 to and 7:30 to adO p. m. Special office daj-8 Saturday and Momlay.

afcHWH Crenoi.a, Kansas. 6. Bloomfidd, Grenola Transfer no. 1 Prompt Attention to Work. Feed Mill.

I will at my ixiil to do grinding Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Ground feed and meal for sale. R. M. LAWYER.

GLOVES made to order, and a fit guaranteed. Dressy and substantial gloves made for either gentleman or lady. Boot and Shoe repairing neatly For further information call at Bhop first door soath Uylton'a. H. II.

MORRIS. DEALER IN Dry Goods. Notions Boots and Shoes, Hats and Gaps, and GentsFurnishingGoods GRENOLA. KANS. Th FUf WtU Hltt4.

Secretary Carlisle has directed that hereafter the United Stat Rag hall i hoisted on ail public buildings under the control of the treasury de-riartment during the-hours of buniess, sinWi fctormv ureveDte its display. The rveuu- Is alao to displayed Over c. vnj houses. Ill I R. Mann's now showing clothing is the this section, you were buy suit? No use clothing is so Decoration Pay.

The beautiful custom of setting aside one day in each year for services for surviving soldiers and tho decor ating of the graves of deceased com rades, was appropriately observed, in Grenola. In the fore noon 1 largo procession was' formed on Main street with the martial band in the lead, the Appamattox Post, school children, and citiiens in vehicles in order nam ed. The procession was about a half mile lorg. After arriving at the ce metery a very impressive service was carried out, decorating graves by Post Woman's Relief Corps, and school children, and general decoration by citizens. At three o'clock in the afternoon a large crowd assembled at tho opera house many going away unable to gain an entrance.

Here a short pro gram of recitations and songs, and an oration by Prof. Frank Westfall con cluded the'exercises for the day. The Post has a membership of 23 in good'Standing, and has only lost one membcir by death in the past year. Grenola to Celebrate- Persuant to call a large number of the citizens of Grenola met in the opera house Tuesday evening and tie cided to appfiSpriately observe the 120th anniversary of otir national in dependence. Everybody was enthus ia3tic for the celebration, ana are taking hold of the work and making arrangements' with a vim that guaran tees a gloiirious time.

J. T. Lanter was made chairman of the meeting and Geo. Thoiaoson, Secv. The fol owing commitSles were appointed: Com; oh Grounds: Dr.

Hatfield. R. Bost'c, no. Bhryon. On Speaker F.

Deal, J. W. Mc Clellan, Felix Aubuchon. On Fi nance: Felix M. Reid, Lark Wells.

On Music: Geo Thompson, W. Speer, Mrs. O' Connor. Executive Dr. Hat field, P.

Hand, II. Fay, T. P. Pawkins, J. F.

Deal. On Program and Amusem*nt: Sol L. Long, Geo. Thompson, Lafe Wells. Prof.

Dych has gone after the north pole. We presume he will get the persimmon. Dr. D. R.

Rothrock, of New Berlin, Pa does not hesitate to reco'mmen Chamberlain's medicine. He says: nave Handled them lor a year or more in my pharmacy and find them safe and reliable. My customers praise them very highly." No one who is trouble with rheumatism can ust Chamberlain Pain Balm without praisrng it. The quick relief from pain which it affords alone worth many times its cost. For sale by druggists.

Tlojrns English Kntntes. Ex-onsul General New reiterate tho statement that there Is no estate of any description amounting to as much as $1,000,000 in England, either in the Bank of England or in the Court of Chancery, in which American heirs are Interested. TVe same statement has been made by indubitable authority hundred times. But whenever a smart lawyer gets ouof another Job or wishes to take a tri to England at somebod else's expensa the deathless "fake" of a vast Efcgrjfih estate waiting for number of guileless Americans to com over and is revived. E.

0. SMITH Castoria with the patronage of tts to speak of it without guessing. is on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria. MUnRAV BTRrCT, NEW YORK CIT7.

-f'V OT? mm. KANS; 5SS1 promises 'to be )tion $1.00, 4.00. Pitcher's Castoria i i Genera I Believe the struggle now going on in this country and other countries for a single gold standard would, if successful, produce widespread disaster in the end throughout the world. The distruction of silver as money and establishing gold as a sole unit of value must have a ruinous on all forms of property except those investments which yield a fixed return in.moncy. These would be enormously enhanced in value, and would gain a disproportionate and unfair advantage over every other species of property.

James G. Blame. With a. population of 70,000,000 and area of 3,652,250 square Kjiles tllus country contains seventeen inhahitans to the square mile, while Germany contains 235, and Belgium, the most densely populated section in Christendom, has 530 people to the square mile. If we should equal Europe in this respect our population would be if as densely populated as Germany, the United States would number 851,223,750, while a populatiou to the square mite equal to tliat of Belgium would make our census returns exceed the present estimated population of the globe by almost half, the figures being If our entire population were moved into Texas, its density would not be half that of Belgium today, and but little more than that of Germany.

Our national increase in population is 1.38 per cent, which is about one million a year. The census of 1900 will show not less than 75.000,000, and that of 2000 say 175,000,000. Some twenty-five generations must appear and disappear before our population is equal in density to that of Belgium. Thus the presidential election about A. D.

2800 will witness some 800,000,000 voters flocking to the polls, for of course, women will vote. Bible Beading on Intemperance- Where in the bible is the jointcst des-xibed i Ps. lo; 7 to 11. Where In the Bible is the liquor traf fic described? llab. II, Where in the Bible is licensing the fidoon condemned? Ps.

XCIV, 20-23. Where -does ibt Bible coudemn the treating habit? Hab. II, 12-13. What advice does the Bible eive to stay one who is invited to drink? Prov 1, 10. Where does the Kiwe warn young men agninst associating with drinking errf Prov.

XXUI, 19-21. Does the liable teach t-iiat men tn high positions go astray through strong drink Jsa. xxxvm, 7. Wii ere does the Bible teach that drinking man cannot go to heaven? Cor. vi, to.

Gal. 19-20. What temperance rule ought every christian adopif Kom. xiv, 21. Is there a rule in the Bible which would be perfectly safe for every boy to follow? Col.

11, 21. Does the Bible teach to forbid our children drink strong drink will lead them to drink? Jer. xxxv, 5, 6, 8. What reward did God promise to those who obeyed the command of their Father not lo drink strong drink, jer. xxxv, 18, 19.

M. Wood. When Baby was sick, wo gave her CastorU. When sbo wua a Child, she cried for Castoria. Wbeo she beca -ne Miss, she clung to Castoria.

When iLe lia4 gave them Gloria. GRENOLA, A RepuBlitari A Republican The campaign of 1896 the most exciting one since 1860. 1 he Kansas City Journal prints the news." It is the only Republican newspaper1 of the Missouri Valley. For 42 it has fought the battles of the Subsoil Reduced Daily and Sunday, three months one year Weekly Journal and Agriculturist, one yr. .50 Send in your name to' the Journal, Kansas City; so.

Samples free. THE GRENOLA CHIEF, $1 per Prints all the home news. Any kind of job work done on short notice. Children Cry for.

The Grenola Greeting and Chief from Grenola, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.