NT The letters can be registered. Notice 16 all communications recommending candi- The Two Rivals. It is very evident that Mr. MORTON, of Indiana, is seeking to circumvent the pre tensions of General BUTLER to the leader95, 1878. of the advanced Radicalism of the ship country, and nothing is more likely than OP la SUBSCRIPTION.
mailed that he will succeed. men," to SANCHO PANZA, not might be, and other men that is, wise." Mr. belongs the latter class. He is too He knows 100 much. He does too much." He has credit for knowing and doing 100 much.
If he hid honesty he would be a fret class payable party leader. If he had both honesty and per modesty he would be a statesman: But, unluekily for his greatness, he has brains without ballast. He is assured but not dis creet or genuine, a noisy sham, a showy of corruption, and, though a bold, unscrupulous player, he is almost certain to lose the game. for than one dol- The insincerity of Mr. Monros does not belong to that branch of the dishonest broth daDs erhood from which Mr.
Burian gets his hyDottuary notices, pocrisy. Morros's dishonesty is genuine, of societies on the death of and he believes in it; albeit the man is matters of merely personal or the main what men -call "a good fellow." not b6 according our In his personal character Mr. not repulsive. Nature designed him to be in the main amiable and honest, and circumstances have tempted him to be licen Hereafter not be responsible for tious." He is a loose man, an unjudging lost in their trans- man, a politician instead of a statesman, drafts and a professional politician at that. He knows he has a good radical record and by mall from offices where money orders can be procured, or be is anxious to make the most of it.
After for will be charged for. Matter this description a purely private and business character, relating to the individuals and not coming under the bead There scarcely a mall that does bring quantity sufficient to at the whole issue of the COURIER-JOURNAL, discriminations being at once distasteful and compelled to put the matupon a strictly commercial footing. Up to the 18th inst. JOSEPH TERSON, Treasurer of the Richmond Re Fund Philadelphia, had received contributions to the amount of $11,298 which sum very handsome from Southern city. about two thotdollars Col.
J. FARNHAM, whose demise announced rather a noted characWhen quite young served with WILLIAM WALKER, the buster. Subsequently he gained an unenriable notoriety by transporting cargo negroes from Africa to the American shores, in the yacht Wanderer. He apprehended by the United Stated authorfor this violation of law, and his saved only through the influence ingenuity of Col. of Savannah.
PARNHAN enlisted in the Union army when war broke out, and was several times promoted for gallantry. He at one occupied some military position in and after the war was appointed position in the New York custom-house, he held at his death. The Long-Branch Mystery. When Judge BRADLEY denied that gave Gen. that Long-Branch we very naturally expressed a desire know who it was, then, that did give it For this we were denounced by Radical press all the way from the scot to the Pacitic.
The intimation there exited possibility somewhere the unwritten history of the President he had not bought and paid for the with his own funds, but that it had given to him by somebody, in spite Judge denial of any share his own in the transaction, was regarded by many of Gen. GRANT's political a crime only of little less magnitude than the assassination of President COLN or the execution of JoHN and some of them as good as said so. they had not then seen the following graph from the Newark (N. Advertiser, journal printed at Mr. BRADLEY's door, and almost in sight of Long Judge BRADLEY, while passing through ville last week, on his way to New Orieans, note to the editor of the COURIER -JOURNAL, the former city, denying, in the most manner, that he had anything to do with purchase of President villa at Branch.
We bare already made an authoritadive contradiction of this absurd slander. BRADLEY WI Europe at the time the house Long Branch was given to General GRANT. So, you see, the house was given to GRANT, notwithstanding all the belloo that has been kicked over the Mr. BUTLER, as will be observed, is tol- The most extravagant man in the world, up suggestion that such was probably the lowing this simple schedule systematically for a small man, not even excepting And everybody might have known and zealously, and, whatever else be may MAEL PASHA, is JOHN C. FREMONT.
When GRANT owns quite a lot of real be, we know him to be a shrewd, sharp- the war began he was made Brigaestate in different parts of the country, but seeing man, with a nose for the drift of toul dier General in the Federal army and stafor dollar's worth of it in breezes. Two years ago, or less, we pub- tioned at St. Louie, where he proceeded to he ever paid a the fact has been very carefully lished a gushing leiter from him, in which erect temporary barracks for his troops at money, from the public. be went so far as to say "I love the an expense to the government of about concealed and to add, without fear, or favor, or four millione of dollars. He had an idea Speaking of Mrs.
STANToN's lec- blushing, or dread of New Orleans, "I have that war was all glory and glitter--that ture the McFarland-Richardson many dear friends there." This was very he could travel in a coach-and-six and put scandal, the New York Standard says: nice. It was written when the "let-us up every night at a first-class hotel. He "On making her appearance before the au- ha ve-peace" dodge. was at its full meridian, found out his mistake about the time the dience from a rear door, Mrs. STANTON Was and before the mud-and-blood policy had government found out that, as an officer received with deafening applause, most of shown itself.
But very soon after Mr. in the army, he was a remarkable instance which seemed to have been made by pret- BUTLER--with his great nose- snuffed the of the wrong man in the right place, and ty feet." The Standard evidently thinks odor of mud-and-blood from afar, and he he was permitted to hang up his silverthat the bigger a woman's foot is the pret- has dealt to it ever since, despite his love plated arms for monuments, much to the tier it is. Deafening applause made by tor the South and his dear friends in New satisfaction of all concerned. pretty feet! Why the stamping of a ball Orleans and elsewhere. Since the close of the war FREMONT has full of Kentucky women would be no But Mr.
MORTOS has not been far be- been engaged in the building of railroads, more deafening than would the talling hind him, and is catching up every day. or rather in sinking the men tunds of who of so many snow-flakes. In Radicalism, as on other courses, the were engaged in trying to build railroads. His heaviest transaction in that line seems race is not always to the swift. Mr.
Mon. The intelligence comes from Gen. and think will, Mr. to have been carried out by him while TOS may, we pass PoPE that the Indians attacked a BUTLER before the advent of the next acting as President of the Memphis, El the Kansas Pacific-railroad, last how little Paso and railDon't-Care-a-Continental tank, on Presidential epoch. Considering We have no official particulars had the road, or some such outlandish name Bunday.
he has to go on- considering quieof the affair, but learn, through a private tude of the the that. The particulars are given in an ardispatch, that as soon as the Indians got ticle in the St. Louis Times, which says: country -considering pacific disposition of the people everywhere near enough to the tank to find out that the -be has progressed amazingly. Evidently of FREMONT went El to Paso Europe to raftroad negotiate bonds. To $6,000,000 reMemphis and water in it wasn't whisky, they retired in mud-and-blood agree with his constitution.
alize bandsomely on the "pramises to of a raftroad exiting only on paper and in the padinguet. It is a diet on which he thrives. Let him pers of its advocates requtred Ancue. it was DO sivial undertaking; and with the rare acumen Grit turns out that the great battle stick to it by all means. If it does not of projectors possessing the their glimmering agent of PRE- an mentioned in the news from the Argen- make him President, it will at least get idea MONT.
the who, company having selected lunched as on a peal of tine Republic the other day was fought him the Radical nomination, and that is Rocky qualided Mountains. for was the once Presidency considered of a nation. etaiin the province of Entre Rios. The tele- more than he had a right to expect when and. pently baving proved a military bad won a Major General's stars and the command of a graph said it was "Entre Nos," and we he entered the Senate of the United States.
vast department. The bonds were presanted, it was very Hellish laveation. and improbable as it accommodating mar seem, cable they conveyed were nego- the thought at the time that The foolish to attempt to make a secret of the The toliowing magnificent impeachment comforting and that assurance that the of the agent road had succeeded, the building was a thing this far from home. of that hellish invention, the cotton-gin, foregone conclusion. remels This was cheering, the but time passed and no steamed across Atlantic ago, there was grand trom an article in the Philadelphia Press freighted with FREMONT'S millions.
He bad A tew days rained $4.500,090 in gold, but where was the monexcursion down the Potomac on the subject of free trade. The machine Among the purchasers of the bonds was a invented in and it was DO French banker. who boucht 155 for $116,000, and steamboat from Washington. Among the distin- Georgia, that the was cognizant of the of the whole. President GRANT, Mrs.
doubt for this reason proprietor He helleving subsequently a frous bad ascertained been that perpetrated the in company. some HIRaN R. of the Prees so readily agreed to do the guished party were President GRANT and the Hon. manner, were brought disposed moa-leur to to repudiate America. the He REVELA, together with a number of white reconstruction dirty to now la New York, not only verbally, work of Gov.
BULLOCK bonds. This ter so contemptible a sum as eighteen bun- but by affidavits in the courts, he has made most Senators of no special distinction. damaging allegations against the distinguished dred dollars: JOIN CHARLES. He alleges that the Illustrious Rev. CHARLES B.
SMYTH is to take Near the close of the first quartet of this anancier's negottation with the him $4.300.000 was a Its fraud, New tury the forension of the cotton of gin, exceedingly am00g and produces Fremont for evidence the of $8,000.000 1u ponds. gold of 80 up-town church in orbe causes, opened up a scope raid that his salary employment of slave charge York. We really hope labor, cotton and States gave The Pathfinder does not deny that he productive system of the an will be large enough to enable him to keep exclusively the agricultural fatal of the character, thus fundamental embody. tai- received the money for the bonds, but deplenty of gia-and-milk at home. There, ing one of free trade.
The process of State eman- clares that he devoted at to the interests of of most under the assumed name of Schiedam was arre-ted, and successive into new areas States the road, in proot whereof he submits the of the pubite domain were erected it can do no sort of harm. to order to broaden the ares of slavery, with the and thus tree following exceedingly bilious memoranschnapps, maintate potitica! equilibrium The Rochester Advertiser says: states, so rapidly growing up to the Northwest. dum: was run of social sectionaliam, in New south of which our great organic idea of free- Sale of $5.000,000 bonds a $4.300,400 large of ladies residing dom was practically subverted. Public taking steps to gence was stided by the dental of educa- Paid for construction of the (4.000 300.000 York and tonal facilittes and debauched by the Paid for 1.000 tons rattroad tron of the vicinity are cause McFARLAND be sent propagation of savage, vindictive popular preju- which has been seized for duty and 280.600 to to the luthese women afraid dices. Pubite morality was reconstructed undermined, to order and to freight).
for 20 locomotives (never shipped). 230.000 natic asylum." Are religious creeds were Paid their husbands' wrongs sanctify the heresy of property in man. The Retained to pay duttes. 300,000 that avenge soctal system was recast upon principles of fet- Old debts (said to have been paid by he will as he is said to have done his dalism, and a real aristocracy, under democratic 150,000 own? a reign of terror. An inqui- Controlling interest tn Memphis sition, such as the terrible genius of LOTOLA nad Paso 250.000 is very foolish in Cincinnati to never conceived, crushed every sentiment of in- Charter Memphis and San Diego 100,000 of her beer and or popular freedom.
Falling bebind and 108- in Interest accrued to July, 1870, July cou- 450.000 close the front doors the race for empire with the tree States, pons Sunday: The more the political equilibrium by the admission of Bankers' commisions in 900.000 215.000 whisky saloons on the mischief-plotters no longer boped Pamphlets and you make it to get into to involve the whole country in their reactionary Senator McDonsid and directors Texas such people will sebemes. of free Thetr schools, batred and of of all freedom. other of free tree Raftrond Company, for services 130.000 places, the more frequently speech. want to go in, and the more fisted things, the now crisis broke of the rebellion by a system precip- of De for Broillian services (Fremont's 150.000 drinks they'll beyond all control and take when they get in. unparalleled fraud and villainy.
office expenses (three months). 60.000 90.000 The body of EL WHITNEY, from whose Lawyers A Philadelphia paper says Admiral treacherous brain sprang the diabolical Total $3,206,000 PoRTER's recent letter, on the idea of the cotton-gin, whose creation To the above there should have been commercial and navigation interests of this country, brought death into the world, with loss of added other items, which were returned by is the utterance of a statesman, Eden, and all our wo, should be dragged FREMONT to account tor the remainder of but it gives us no clew as to who that statesman from its present resting place and buried the $4,500,000, but the Times Was unable at the nearest crose-roads with a pine to obtain them. That paper adds: dit- stake driven through it. What renders The only positive evidence of anything tb! The New York World thinks it conduct all the distinguished has sent them, aside from Scult to see why there should be two wo. the debts, is the iron at New Orleans, and even tats traitor-scoundrel's United more deserting of the is beid for duties kept and to freight.
duties. FREMONT Doubt- coneternal execration mAn suffrage is the fact that he was fesses having 82:0.000 pay associatione in the we think it quite as of gods and men less the company would be glad to have him States. For our part Massachusette. walk up to the captain's office and settle for the dificult to see why there should be one. born in distrained tron.
get nearly time for MARK services but the the company otter Items know 19 which Hitte swallowed about the us is now as To CHARLES SUMNER the dearest TwAIN to recall the fact that several bu- that their of all $4,500.000. this vast They sum are obtained cruel by enough to FREMONT sar thing in earth is the negro. He ought to morous writers of America made reputa- with their bonds, that the have never received a His wile, they say, tions by writing for fun, and thea lost dollar. Tee pat4 fact at mo the arty European does backers contribute want have mirried a negro. a while he will inflame himself into a sort of specious sincerity -the result of violent passions and unnatural habite--and then he will consider such a sketch as this unjust.
At present he knows it to be strictly accurate in all its details. The Radicals are looking for a Presidential candidate. GRaNt has turned out failure. He has not kept his pretty promise to reform the corruptions of Gov. ernment.
The "let-us-have-peace" dodge is played. Too many relations, too much gitt-on-the-brain, too much horse-talk and too little good sense and good taste, to say nothing about the ordinary item of official rectitude, combination of unworthy on the one side, and of inadequate "littleness" on the other, a confused 75, jumble of inconsistencies and inequalities, joined to the withering blight of Old JERSE and Brother CORBIN, overcast the aspira. tions of General GRANT. Like FILLMORE and poor who were undoubting to the last, GRANt will go on hoping and beHeving until he Ands himself shelved ticketed alongside the beroes who have departed before him. The Radicals even now looking out for successor, and GRANT is not the gentleman they are atter.
Recently a New York paper, Republican in politics, put Mr. CHAsE in tion the sole remaining Republican life hope. Again, a very lively daily newsps. and per has just been started in New York under the auspices, it is said, of Mr. ButLER.
But neither Mr. CHase nor Mr. BUTLER will be available. Mr. CHASE is time too mild.
Mr. ButLER is too strong. Nor this is there a great deal of promise in the line to of mediocre possibilities, which stretches from the goary GEART to the sentimental COLFAX. It MORTON 15 wise he will sueceed in his effort to put himself at the head ot the column of mud-and- blood' progresshe ion. But be must avoid one or two mudholes and blood-holes.
He must not start villa to any newspapers. He must not mix himto self up with Indiana divorces. He the must avoid the very shadow of the susPenob- picion of organ-grinding and tree love, and that make as many speeches as he can put in between this and '72. Just now he is dothat ing bravely. villa Finally, Mr.
MORTON must continue to progress in his Radicalism. He must be been of tor putting the thumb-screws on the South of tighter and tighter, under the guiding inspiration of the blessed Puritan spirit of friends peace that yet controls the Republican organization, and he must labor constantly to exalt the negro aboye the white man, BRowN; Bat and to force by legislation that perfect social affinity which seems to have been denied by GoD and. nature. The parscue to Radical confidence is taithlessnese; next to OWn this comes insolence; next to this we have Branch: Loutsinstability. Universal amnesty has been wrote promised, therefore "let treason be made of odious and rebels be punished." Peace positive the the cry last year, therefore let the cry Long this year be war.
Then there must be as Mr. at many sounding adjectives, signitying high and abusive style of patriotism, Gen. can be collected and crowded into every bulla. speech that is made. is ver he didn't.
them by writing for pay. sorry 1 worst feature of the case. Our 1 national which we liquidate by adding to ate and at the rate of more than ten mill- which of dollars annually, is divided into classes- that bearing. interest payin coin, that bearing interest payable in Here currency, and that bearing no interest. By manipulation of the Radical Ananciers of second class has been gradually their and placed in the first class, in most interest of the debt owners, as will be by the following comparison from the reports: DEBT BEARING INTEREST IN that 1, 1, 1870.
1.100.861.949 in and DEBT BEARING CURRENCY. and 1, 1865... 1, 1870. 50,535,000 the Thus it will be seen that over five years to the people were paying interest in coin only one thousand millions of the now they are paying interest in coin of two thousand millions of the debt. that seven hundred and afty-one millions the debt drew currency interest; now comparatively small sum of fity-nine millions is all that is carried by curter interest.
Any one by calculating tb, inupon these sums at six per ant. per annum, and ascertaining the did erence bethe value of the coin currency which would meet it then ad the com and currency which will D' set it now, will see glance how by manipulation in the inof the bor dholders the tax-payers been are robbed of their substance, In this May schedule of the public debt Secretary of the Treasury reports decrease in the aggregate of the debt, duthe month, of $11,697,793 39. "This," an organ of the Secretary, "exhibits very gratitying progress, and must tend give strength to our credit both at home abroad." According to a recent letter from the Hon. FREEMAN CLARKE, of Rochester, N. ex-Comptroller of the Currency, the honest tax-payers of the country are now paying upon a basis of revenue of about $900,000,000 per annum, which is seventy-five millions month.
this seventy-five millions per month, eleven millions are appropriated to the liquidation of the audited debt, and sixtyfour millions of it are swallowed up by Administration and the myriads of plunderers who are kept in its pay. Mr. CLARKE, who enjoys in the highest degree confidence of the party in power, declares that nearly halt of the sum last named is stolen every month. But let us give his own words. In the letter referred above, addressed to Senator MORGAS, says: It can be clearly demonstrated that frauds and evasions are practiced to such an extent that not more than one-balf of the amount is collected that sbould and would be if the laws were forced with administrate abliity and integrity.
The result is that the honest tax-payers are Dow pasida upon a basis of revenue of about buporea millions of dollars per anoum, while more than balf of that sum Gods its way late Treasury. Statistics of the manufactures, productione, of the country will prove that the tax to which they are subjected were fairly collected, and the same rule applied to our tome duties, the income or revenue would amount shout the sum Dated above, nine hundred millions of collars. This la the deliberate, the written, declaration of a distinguished financier, whose tormer high position in the treasury enables him to speak with confidence and exactnees, and when he tells us that half the taxes wrung from the people are stolen under the present Administration, the fact is not to be disputed. That Administration boasts that its reduction of the public debt, for the month of April, amounted to eleven millions of dollare, when, by an honest management of the revenue and an economical administration of the Government, that reduction might easily have been made to reach thirty-five millions month, and made, at the same time, a real instead of a fictitious reduction. Not long ago three young ladies were riding in an English railway carriage, when one of them, who was leaning against the door, fell out and was killed.
The guard, whose duty it was to lock the door, was so horror-stricken at the accident that he immediately cut his throat. A short time afterward a passenger and a freight train ran together in Missouri, killing some eighteen or twenty people and wounding many more. The conductor of the freight train, who seems to have been alone to blame, was so horror-stricken at the acci-' dent that he immediately cut his stick. The English guard took to his kaife; the American conductor took to his heels. Blustrated, repeats itself from age to all experience proves the ease demagogism can play, in every country and in every period, upon popular caprice, ignorance, passion and credulity.
were we have in Senator MORTON fac simile of the most objectionable of the class It politicians whom he denounces, using from arguments and their tactics, and altheir very language, as well as en- try, bodying their personal characteristirs. the There lived and fourished in the old Democratic party, when it was so strong there seemed to be no possible break it, a group of leaders- showy, shallow self-willed-who intensified its nature erm hastened its downfall. During ten or dozen years it was in possible for the more prudent and thow members of party who saw threatened danger moderate the temper or check the impetuosity of their ultra colleagues. These latter spoke, well and dealt out a species glossy, platitude full of sound and fury passed tor eloquence, but signified not' sing but ultimate war and ruin. It canbe denied that many of themnotably Mr.
aud Mr. YANCEYhonest. But they had not seen the were world, and they made the very natural mistake of over-estimating the place occupied by their particular belonging. There were Toons, of Georgia, a very brilliant and headstrong man, and WIGFALL, of Texas, an active, nimble-witted and plausible popular declaimer and pouch tumble debator, and of Tennessee, less showy, but more practical than either--not to mention IVERSON, SLIDELL and BENJAMIN, and half a score of otherswhose careers exemplify in a striking the peculiarities which produce revolutions as distinguished from those which revolutions produce. If one or all of these old partisans should be restored to the Congress of the United States, we would doubtless have a curious sight to look upOD.
Travel can not tail to have produced great impression upon such men ToomBs and Put them in the Senate to-day and they would very speedily show us the difference between the untaught but dashing politician of a by-gone era and the statesman trained by mistortune and enlarged by experience tor the uses of the present and the future. In this connection we do not mention Mr. DAVIS nor Mr. STEPHENS, because they represent exceptional schools of their own, and do not come under the class we are here describing. Our purpose is to call attention to a parallel which we shall establieb be lore we are done.
To begin with Mr. MORTOS, of Indiana. He is counterpart of Mr. TooMBa, of Georgia. No one will deny the ability of either.
Both speak well, and, like most good speakers, like to speak otten. Mr. Toomas began his career a moderate Whig. So did Mr. MORTON.
The one becaine an active Republican, the other an active Democrat, and finally the war, which obscured the one, brought out the strong pouts of the other. In each we may trace rude, halt-unconscious insincerity-the insincerity of the mind that abandons itself to a faction in the belief that it is serving its country, and is so wrought upon that its very violence makes rise of unworthy instruments foreign to its better nature--producing michiefs proportioned to its mistaken selfconfidence and its rigorous, delusive sellassertion. Mr. STEPHENS, whose career runs along very nearly side by side of that of Mr. ToomBa, did not perpetrate the errors of which history will convict the scantier-read and narrower-schooled but more dogmatic intellect; and there are two or three citizens of Indiana, old Whigs and present Republicans, equally as able as Mr.
MORTON and better tutored, who are overshadowed by has vehemence rather than his superior claims or understanding. Mr. Toons could not have had much faith in the intelligence of a people to which he addressed such poor argumente. They have exploded since, and the plainest mind may now see how hollow they were. Perusing the response which they evoked at the time they were delivered-from moderate, tar-seeing Democrats, we mean -it is difficult to comprehend how they could have misled such masses of people.
In like manner, perusing the specious arguments, the tawdry, declamatory finery, the easy platitudes, the appeals to passion which compose the speeches of Mr. one is led to marvel that any man of sense can doubt their emptiness or tail to be thoroughly convinced, if conviction is not too strong word, by the obvious common sense uttered by the Senator from Connecticut. But the jingle which Mr. LowELL put into the mouth of Mr. Toons twenty-five fears ago, with the change of a single word, may be now put into the mouth of Mr.
MORTON- Debate. Repairing the Wastes of to the felicity of the And all this to coul have been much what troubles the gentlemen of the El Paso It cannot fail to be a matter of gratifica- the turn taken the debate tiou to all classes of who which gave pable of entertaining emotions 1 Tuesday to the dull to know that South is rapidly probably no truth report of the Senatorial coming the nothing tore of FERRY to speed he did war. The strides that bave been The Debt. the -Fifteenth amendment, no matter this direction have no parallel in any how truly he have spoken of it, and or country. So grand, indeed, have been that the paragraph a few United days enough for Mr.
MORTON We said in a brief these industrial achievements that the States is now just as he did of Mr. FERRY, albeit cient add hereditary or South fifty millions of dollars untruthfully well is violently, 1 forced to greater thin it was five years At this what does Republican party care for spoke as are encomiums. The indomita- statement one our Radical contempora- its promises? "Ir of ble energy and perseverance which have believing, as he' is foolish enough to cause it has found valuable ries seems to have been greatly shocked, characterized the efforts of the Southern do, out amidst political disabihties, sur- that the debt has been reduced which and going for it baldheadpeople greatly since the close of the We the plunder is, by satraps, were in that the ed. It is this or that, precisely as its rounded mihtary cursed by war. the misrepresentations of Northern spies amounts wrong to just fity millions.
We were terest happens to point out. Yesterday saying increase and carpetbag. mendicants, outraged by to the extent of four milhons for the Fifteenth amendment-" the presence of a black-white-an sol- wrong eight hundred and nine two hundred grand scheme," as Mr. MORTON 'said, "of diery, with legislation in the hands of and national peace" cotton field "negroes, the judiciary, prosti- and Bity-seven The Secretary of universal freedom and mur- the Treasury's monthly report of the su- and having duped some people and forced tuted to aphold injustice, rapine backed by a Congress animated and dited debt of the United States, as it others into its ratification, it is to-day "in der, all controlled by a desire to the pears upon the books of the -Trensury De- favor of keeping rebels on their knees," oppress pie and retard the development of comparison with the same species ciate their guilt," for, as Mr. CAMERON their partment May 1st, 1870, shows the tollow- Mr.
observed, "until they resources, present a spectacle which chal- ing all Christendom. debt, April 1st, 1805 ded, "the rebels are just as rebellious These Debt May 1, There will be lenges the applause of while passing April no end, as there people, so Radical no proper answer, to such rubbish as this through the furnace which short of the popular condemnation of those have rescued their Here it "is shown that within five years who deal in it. it is merely the rotation lignity had hoped would consume them, plantations from the only national: debt in the world that of the patriot's wheel which DANTE wilderness, rebuilt their homes, gathered is 'in actual of liquidation" has process in the chamber of the nations crushing up their scanty means; have planted, been increased through Radical rule to the of honest tools who had not race after race reaped and gathered into barns, unill their extent of nearly Sity-five millions of dolthe wit to save themselves. success has not only placed them above And even this, bad as it is, is not want and dependence but has given them How human nature, not history, thus wealth and commercial influence which are felt and acknowledged in the great centers of trade of both hemispheres, The manufacturing industries of England and all Europe acknowledge their debt of gratitude; and even in New England thousands are kept from starvation and are pensioners upon the unconquerable spirit which animates the people of the South. The cotton crop now being marketed, it is believed, will reach 3,000,000 bales; and this at $100 per bale swells to the enormous sum of $300,000,000.
Another crop planted and a larger area is under cultivation, and when the season arrives for the harvest home there are reasons for beller. ing a still larger sum will be set down to the credit of the South for this great staple, which with the march of civilizaton and commerce will be more and more in demand. The New York Shipping List, in contemplating the ability of the South to increase the national wealth, remarks that within "that section of our common country lie elements that are capable of producing unbounded wealth; and external conditions combine, as they rarely combine for any favored country, to send it rapidly to the front in point of prosperity and power. It not only enjoys the monopoly of a staple which is in increasing demand througheut the world, in the form of fabric, but has innumerable other now partially dormant, that only need to be fostered and encouraged to make them fruitful sources of wealth. It only remains tor the South, with the aid of Northern and European capital, to construct railways, build factories, toundries and mills, open new routes of commerce and improve old ones, import modern machinery, and devote such expenditure to these purposes us the regions mainly where cotton is grown, to revive the drooping energies of the industrial and commercial interests of the whole country; for it is impossible for one section to thrive and prosper without all being more or less tavorably affected.
When the South produces cotton enough to serve as the agent of foreign exchange, the commerce of the country will wake to new lite, the shipbuilding interest revive, trade become active and profitable, our railroads and canals be put to their best service, and general prosperity attest the welcome change." It Northern journals, representing a people to be largely benefited by the full development of Southern industries and her power to benefit mankind, are in earnest and honest in what they publish, they will see to it that they send to Congress men who are capable of comprehending justice, who are statesmen as we! as polis ticians, who are capable of comprehending the wants of the wholc country and of rising above sectional jealousies. When this is done, then, and not till then, will this florid rhetoric about the South, Southerm recuperation, be credited with any sentiment more elevated than to share in the loaves and fishes which Southern terprise produces, 'Fremont in Trouble, female correspondent, whose letter is too long and savage tor publication, abuses us like a pick-pocket for sayingwhen did we say all the advocates of woman-suffrage have big feet. There is some mistake about this thing. We may have referred to the rumor that all of the women of that sort who have ever lectured in Weisiger Hall were compelled to take their shoes off and have them carried in sideways, just as you would trundle-bed or billiard-table, but we never said they ail had big feet. No; we never said that.
The Press says the debt of the United States is the second largest in the that it is the ouly debt that is in actual course of liquidation. There is some truth in this; but as the debt is just fifty millions of dollars larger today then it was five years ago, it would be an immense saving to us if that "actual course of liquidation" could be stopped. In the Medical ington the other day Boston, declared that elude an orang-outang long." Dr. SuLLIvAN himself has been clation, it would be excluding the orang Convention at WashDr. SULLIVAS, of "he would not exwith a tail ten teet is right.
Since he admitted to the a880- absurd to talk about outang. A Michigan man is offering to jump from the top of a three-story house in Detroit for two thousand dollars. If it is Zack CHANDLER that is making the offer the money ought to be raised at once and the house raised a few stories higher. There is, perhaps, nothing which a clearly illustrates the force of habit more than the fact that Gen. SHERIDAN never sees a barn, a mill or a haystack without in his pockets for a box of matches.
feeling It is said that the late scare the Canada cost their enemies Fenians gave hundred thousand dollars. And three doubt cost their friends quite as much. no We have long been tired of this Sioux Indian business, but now that Gen. Accor has been sent out there, we may expect to be bored worse than ever. I do believe whatever trash keep the people in total blindness Thet we the Southerens can thrush Rigbt into brotherly kindness: Tast bombshells, grape an' powder 'n' bal! Air good will's strongest magnets; That peace, to make it stick all, Must be drove in with bagnets.
Compare SUMNER ADd WIGFALL, DRAKE and IVERSON, CAMERON and SLIDELL, and take note of the resemblance. SUMNER delights in cramming himself for flashy and recondite Quixotisms. WIGFALL'8 speeches are stuffed with brilliant and learned absurdities. DRAKE is even a more unreasoning partisan than IvERSON was at IvERsON's best, and IVERSOS Was lively. CAMERON speaks ittle, but is radical and speculative.
SLIDELL, too, was a manager of other men, but contrived to manage his private business, in spite of an excess of patriotism, uncommon well. DOUGLAS, HeStER and HAMMOND, who were able and conservative and quite as faithful to their party allegiance, were unable to curb the headlong passions of these. In like manner TRUMBULL, CARPESTER and FERRY are not able to rule the rash and brittle spirits who lead the Republicane; and the danger is that, just as the one set produced a civil war by their unreasoning partisanism, the other set, by the of the same impulse, will produce a more serious revolution, anarchy, bankruptcy and imperialism. There 15 but one plain rule to go by in republican government. Make the suffrage strictly impartial--not universal stick rigidly to the letter and the spirit of the constitution; and the devote as much time to the business and 88 httle to the politics of the country as possible.
The it Radicals practice exactly the opposite of this simple idea. They have made suffrage partial, not wwitersal, and their favors extend to the ignorance and worthlessness among the people. We have constitution which they do not regard at all; sad, start a trotting clob or association in MemA Boyle county farmer has a three-quarter phis ou the plan of those in Northern and Alderney cow which gives milk that yields Western cities: twelve pounds butter per week. champion of the has issued a challenge sene of the United States to vote in the sereto all professional bruisers, except Mace and States in the who bare hitherto Heenan, to fight for 85.000 or lees. He is par- been denied that right on the grounds of race, there 1 there is Congressional.
DO consistency, no probable that sentiment is get ripe to take Besides, they do little else than hold of it. modifications of the Jo dope MONDAY. AlsMr. of govern will doubtless receive to the Rich- Chop reports from anti bama lu the to the Senate a Decatur bill and granting Aberdeen lands in Railroad dabble in politics! could evolent opera Mayor of ble. The appropriation bill came reach should and foreign An unfounded that report cagrent in order, but gave in order to amendment.
The the should heme, the Sabbati The support ted Teris suicide. yesterday bill provisions to enforce of the the bill have been published. unless the re attention. the Among disaster An amendment was submitted by Mr. Stewa unfversal, who should wish to oppose night during its sessions there will either tie Wednesday old trip art, argued embracing constitutional felt at Lit- I sections.
Vicker the will of the people? what profit, be a meeting to discuss some of the sub- The for the coming crops in East will the bill. Mr. 4 jeota, or there will be preaching by its min- Tennessce never were better. burn, temperace June 17, to Thurman characterized it as a bill to create them Mr. northeast Georgia will f.
mce of common and to pay has no desire chance- isters. The peach crop of ate utili more promis- for Governor. for The bill also subSenate; and New tinge York on number Sunday of for the motion to ad Steweet amendment back little much larger amount of tobacco tias from the South and of the lower made the section inclination direction, ville. Heap -hundred in Mays- planted in Missouri this year than for several The State alties enforce the 14th "imposing thereby pooever may be his. propects, There wool la the Lesing.
Anderson, of Sheppardstown, West to nominate to for meet Governor and Walmingtes holds office. Mr. years past. on any person Mrs. gressmen is called in to any Morton Mr.
Davin and- Mr. Monton knows: Howard, Barnes Cole day and died of lock-jaw. June the Senate this ton 1 full well. But we are not speaking of men. Sterling, sold Love.
Roach, for The decoration of the graves of Confederate conciliate a nest of the south. fundamental prin- Hon. J. the many soldiers at the Mt. Olive and City Cemetery, followed We are speaking of the The Danville Agricultural Association has sentative in 5th.
Nashville, took place on Sunday, Several went into ciple of free government. No man must re-elected W. L. Caldwell president. in on the thousand persons present.
sion adjourned be prosombed, Every man must be free to Ben. Thompson, an old citizen of Harrisou The prisoners confined in the stockade a passed off quietly. The demonstration In number of bills of county, died or Monday, aged 88 years Sulphur Texas, their recently escape imposing. he one by of overpowered Including stand upon his If the people James Hedges, of Bourbon, has sold 901 the guard and Mississippi want Me. and consider sheep at 6 cents that averaged 151 pounds.
The city of Baton Roug has voted a sistant exelude take the authorizing census, not him the best man they can send: to Wash- The graves of the Federal dead in the Lex- of $35,000 to toe New Baton Rouge There were several casce of stroke to across the at Me ingion, they have a right to do it. "If they ington Cemetery are to be decorated on the New Illinois; eve imposing a tas on and Vicksburg Railroad Company. York on Monday. 30th- The State Convention The entire business part of Henderson, distalled apples, and prefer Mr. it is their right a well 8.
B. Vance, of Henderson, is announced will be. beld at West Point, in on Thursday be- was destroyed by fire yesterday by an IA- grapes and to regulate distil No party in the land stands squarely to- a candidate for Congress in the decoud Die- tore the first Lord's Day. dune ceudiary. Loss small losarance, lation thereal.
resolution instructing the underlying trict. bogebead of tobacco was sold at Padu Lands 'to Louisiana 985 seres, are being situated sold for Bayou tenced Sigism at und Jersey Schroeffes City was twenty yesterday, years' with Reconstruction bill. for general Committee amnesty to was report referred. forthday :00 this practical, on most nothing. to principle of impartial tree government.
cab Thursday for eighty one dollars per 100 Grus Tete, sold at Sheriff's sale for $615. prisonment for rape on a little girl four years The bill to reduce internal taxation was reNot a single leader of note; hardly a single pounds. Old whisky five years oid brings 86 per The Georgia State treasury is empty. One old. The ported by committee the Ways prop and need modify and Means Committee.
journal of influence- cutting loose from ton in Bourbon county, and ten-gear-old sells of Gov. Bullock's secretaries dollar. week The Tennessee Agricultural and Mechanical Nashville extent repeal all the to internal taxation readily at sold his warrant for 91 cents on the resterday. Association The Spring eximbition Fair is opened very attractive. of the country, with the exception of in great by gone W.
L. and 8. Winstead. of Daviess The Tenuesse Legislature will make no fermented liquor, tobao-has had the courage to and the manhood to Berry A. distillery charge aflecting the time of holding pending The attendance was and cigars Two other bills stand is the idea of the fu- county, the season.
Judicial elections in Memphis and Shelby Sir Stallord Northcote, accompanied would be reported embracing other have suepended operations co, by it. Bat it for county. Lady Northeote and two sons, left New whole reducing ture, just as surely as it "is the idea of Little Mise Peters went to drown hee cat in It is said that after the Bret of next month by the Edie railroad last night for. Nia the exemptions, taxes 839,906, 716. it is proposed to let this is to be de- pond, near Louisa, the other day, fu the conductors on the North Carolina Rail- Falls, en route to Winnipeg, Sir the Income tax at 5 per cent, increasfell and was drowned herself.
road will be required to wear aniforms while goes thence ou a diplomatic mission to ing the exemption to motion was peace, on which country the veloped, and to be rendered it God's will Col. J. Russell Butler has sold his farm of on duty: Red river agreed to postponing alt prior orders until be so -ultimately strong, united and 450 acres, near Frankfort, at $50 per Initiatory steps hare already been taken to Tom Allen, who signs bimself James champion Mace, the appropriation bills were disposed of -92 of H. C. McDowell, of Louisville.
America, by permission of Mr. to 75. The bill to enforce the right of citi- General Assembly, whose sessions The Owensboro Monitor says tire announce- of that place bears nothing from morning til Mr. Allen admits the defeat he received at the Pine Bluff, Ark, is improving: The Press ticularly anxious that Cobura will accept. yesterday in this city, is the ment that Hon.
W. N. declined a 16- night save ringing sound of the hammer, of his antagonist near New Orleans. Sweeny opened electiou to Congress was premature. the saw and plane." the Presbyterian Church, At the sale of imported stock at Eminence the of the recent dis- One -of the largest occurred meetings ever held in court in commissioners week the bull Duke of Morton was sold Fincastle, scene Charleston, 8.
on Monday composed of elected last astrous fire, contained a population of about under a call for citizens of all classes, colors, night to Lewis Hampton, of Clark, for $010. one thousand. Three-fourthe of the place and political parties, to inaugurate a fifty-three Presbyteries, whose ter- Mr. Fred. Harris, of Mercer, has a cow that was reduced to ashes.
ment for retrenchment and reform in the embraces the entire Southern coun- gave birth to a calf few days ago which committee by the State government. The officers of the meetfrom Maryland and Ohio to Texas and weighed 192 pounds when ouly one day old! George general to superintend ing and the speakers were chiefly colored The appointed nourly The ouwers of the Montgomery distillery the removal Baptist of Mercer Convention University meets in pereons. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Indias tribes. They represent have made a contract with a Louisville house Atlanta on August 5th.
thousand ministers, thirteen or tourteen to take all the whisky they can make at $1 06 THURSDAY. congregations, and it may be per gallon. including Col. Wilcox, of A heavy shock of earthquake was leit at the The Kingston East Tennessean learus that hundred thousand communicants, Miss Jennie Magottin, daughter of Governor new Koosville, company, propose reviving the Emory iron City. of Mexico on the 11th.
a of Harrodsburg, was married on known as the South- Tuesday morning last to Colonel Wm. Hutch- Works at an early day. The stallion Henry W. Grunt, who won the for are popularly of New York. Gowan, who raised the sunken ves- race on Fashion course yesterday, sold Ison, Colonel Presbyterian Church.
Dixie, the dam of the famons Herzog, drop- sels at Sebastop. 1, is proposing to the Galves- 825,000. The division between the Northern and ped, in Fayette county, a Illy colt last Tues- tonians plan by which heavy tonnage may The West Virginia Dewocratie State Con- 8th Church took place in 1861. The day night, by War Dance. Her owner, Major be brought over bar.
of veption June. assembles in Charlestown on the the Southern General Assembly met that year in Phila- Reel." capital of the purchase of the The billiard tourrament in San Francisco Thomas, claims for the colt the name The stock of the Chattanooga rolling The Hickman Courier urges the claims of rail mill, mill in of the Southwestern Iron Company, has closed. Joseph Little won the championconsequence the First district for the Governorship, and has been increased to $600,000. ship and the silver cue. delphia.
It was composed of commissionfrom all parts of the suggests the names of Judge Trimble, connection Crose- The turfmen of Pettis and adjoining coun- Tat new hotel was opened at Bot Springs, United States. war bad just commenced. land, Turner, ties of Missouri propose two days' racing at Arkansas, yesterday. The telegraph line to Fort Sum- Boone and Bigger in bombarded. Me.
LINCOLN therewith. and N. Smith, of Sedalia, on the 17th and 18th of June. Tue Memphis is completed. had been Masers.
8. T. Harris first installment- Cinemnuati, are reported to have bought four track is to be put in good repair. Governor Bard is on will his resign way to and Washingten. return to called tor the three fillies and one stal- theater has been started in It is stated that be to subdue the Southern of R.
E. Coleman, Mercer tonio, Teras. Plain folks are not admitted. Georgia to aid in defeating Governor Bullock States. The two-year-oid colts, negro Ancountry was actively preparing for for $1,500, This is evidently a violation of the civil rights polies.
lion of county, and bloody struggle. And among John D. Fogle, bas purchased of a bill, and the colored rebels scald be made to An old man named Weston, Edmond West West, a Virginia, sort of Maryland company mail route between feel it. recluse, residing near long the so-called "loyal" gatherings of that Columbia and Lebanon, and intends to have G. G.
Davis, of Necsho, the was horribly murdered a few days since and probably none more stock and good conches an readiness to public agaiust a con operator cautions calling his body left in Seld, the where the The bogs old had spring there was work ou the 1st of July. Bueban discovered and eaten body. than this great body of Presby- commence Democrats of Shelby have nominated thin gentleman, sandy-complexioned, be tleman cultivated a small farm, and had acand ruling elders, who had Frazier for County Jade, Jno. F. who claims to quired considerable means, all of which the terian ministers Erasmus Mason and an Odd-Fehow.
court of the Lord Jesus Clerk; H. C. Mone, Sherif, C. murderers secured, assembled as J. County W.
The Eagle and manufactory, at Co- A petition was presented in the House of Christ to deliberate upon the spiritual in- Assessor; A. Rogue, Jalier, Geo. Peter Milear, Read, lambus, Ga, now consumes seven bales of Representatives on Tuesday, by Mr. Julian, Hinkle, terests of the Church. Forgetful of their Coroner, Wya Heary Bohanngn, Surveyor.
cotton of per day, eleven bales. Over $10,000 up an per av- praying Judges Field and Holman, Soon it will work that articles of impeachment be special work and of their solemn yow to The Carter county people want to repu- month are paid to the employes. signed by one W. H. Hastings, a lawyer of erage bron against constitution of the Church, Big Sandy their Railrosd, to alleging the that it Lexington has been and Ench H.
McCormick, one of the most San Francisco, in who the was Senate in debarred California, by them Mate subscription support promising members of the Clarke from practice and the which forbids synods and councils to in- used not for the object Intended, but for the Va.) young bar, was killed in Alexandria now charges them with misbehavior and mistermeddle with civil affairs or to handle Ashland and Rush Creek Railroad. Their on Wednesday morning by falling from the conduct in office. Nine allegations are county anything except what is ecclesiastical, County cessary Court is authorized to take the me- third-story window of the Mansion House. specified. their the civil rights bill, introduced in the Missislegal steps, testified loyalty by adopting The Paris citizen, of yesterday, says: "The Legislature, the protec- FRIDAY.
"Spare resolutions." These resolutions stock sales at Geurgetown yesterday were tion of the rights of colored citizens on the Customs receipts last week sippi contemplates were prepared by the venerable Rev. Dr. but good not The many cattle offered. market Horses, was high especially and brisk, rips railroads, at the hotels, in places on public Supervisor Emery: contradicts the report' and commanded sales and good amusement, and in the asylum of the slate. that be has closed all the distilleries in the SPRise, of New York, and required all the plugs, Fine horses ready scarce and No W.
A. Ambrose, of Salem, Lee Nuebville district. members of the Presbyterian Church to mules on the market. Missiesippi, had wheat five feet bigh on the Mexican advices state that the followers prices are high. county, sustain the Government at Washington At the city election in Columbus Inst 14th of that was Loschapoka, sown bad 34.
Capt. full Pedro Martinez, about 500 strong, recently December week the Democrats elected the City Marshal Wilson, wheat December in abandoned him and surrendered to the Gov. opposed to that at Richmond. They pro and one Councilman. The Radicals elected bloom, April 36, that was sown 93.
ernment. The bandit Bravo is still in the nounced judgment on great political the City Clerk and three Councilmen. The Mr. Pagette McMullen, in an "address to field, with sis hundred followers, question, on which, from the very torma. City dependents.
Attorney The two negroes Councilmen all voted were "In- gives notice that he has postponed Vir bas The determined, Sangerfest committee Cincinnati and of our Government, opposing opinions for the Radical ticket. ginia, which invited many citizens, to change their programme so as to one the proposed trip to at the request prominent been held by the greatest statesmen 'The prospect for crops is very promising bers, in consequence of the late calamity in omit the grand procession on Sunday through did not hesitate to all Kentucky. wheat erup well looks Richmond. the city. They will hold their picnic, howover The the country.
They fine, and can scarcely tail to yield The Crop accounts from Missouri are extremely ever, on that day, and have the procession on decide that one of those theories of the cos crop is planted in good order, and tobac- favorable. In some portions of the State the Thursday. This change received the unaniof the United States was cor- co plants are abundant and looking well. farms, gardens and orchards are ten to fifteen mous assent of the general committee. With such good prospects the farmers are ju Government rect, and that was wrong, fine spirita.
years, while the corn is up and ready for the yesterday with an investion the other theory days in advance of any season for several A succerstul experiment was made in Indiof conto require of all Presbyterians to act Mr. Geo. Runyou, one of the leading men cultivator. Wheat and oats promise well. siderable importance to builders, insurance accordance with their decision of this of the Shaker at Pleasant Hal, has The Nashville Banner thinke it very queer companies, and business generally.
It is an apsettlement been looking at and pricing the lands of Col. that Sam. Arvell, the Confederate tanner, who paratus which enables a angle man, a few question. In pronouncing any judgment Grigaby, Isaac Shelby and others, in Lincoln was poorer than a church mouse when he en- momente, to close all the batch ways, stairit, they bad violated the standards of county, near Shelby City, with a view of pur- tered the Legislature and subsequently went ways, and windows in a building so as to upon chasing about four thousand acres on whica to Congress, is now one of the heaviest feciually exclude the air, and reduce fire Church. A to locate a colony of Shakers from Massacou- in the Chattanooga Rolling Mill.
smouldering condition, as well as to bone 'of endless discord prebetween Northern and southern Chris- setts. There is general movement the vent it from spreading. The universal opiuAnd In the Common Picas Court, on a on port ion of those who saw it was that the loventians bad been introduced. as weeks Monday last, decision was to the of the prominent men of East Tennessee to tion would greatly reduce the danger and dewore the lines which separated the case of Loeb Bloom, of Paducab, against foster of fires, Insurance men present Bu their efforts ther Marsball Starks, of Calloway, and a judgment have induced a colony of four hundred 9wiss- expressed their willingness to reduce the rates on, United States and the, Southern Confed- rendered in favor of Loeb Bloom for $12,000, Germans in to settle manufacturing, near Knoxville. They are upon buildings thus protected.
became so sharply defined that it This case has enlisted been in of court for best many legal talent are engaged in a very prosperous condition. farming, and eracy imposeible for the Presbyterians of and has some the SATURDAY. was in the district. The report of the Commissioner of two sections to meet together. Hence with regard of Agrieul- A dispatch from Rome says that resistance The Lexiugton Statesman says: "It is quite Virginia is prospects the wheat In to the infallibility dogma is practically dead.
ture to the those in the South tormed the Southern hard to deliver hemp at 88 per hundred when crop in very encouraging. Jesse Moore has been confirmed it is worth 89. Still a good many people some of the Piedmont counties there is some postGeneral Assembly in December, 1861. bare bad to do so. The price raised at that fear that average crop way not be reaped; master at Owensboro, and P.
B. Hawkins high figure Friday and Saturday, and hemp but throughout the rest of the State, particu- postmaster at Bowling Green. One of the first acts the Southern As- came freely to market. We bave heard of a larly in the Valley counties, the appearance of There have been copious rains through of sembly was to set forth calmly and dis- few instances in which the sellers have tried the crop is everything that could be desired. ecotral lows during of the past three days, passionately the causes which led to the to.
generally repudiate those theur that have engagements made bad at $8, bargains but Mra. Mason, and 1 the wife daughter of of Colonel Judge A. P. John Ma- crope, all of which are looking first rate. which have been great benefit to the separation and state clearly the great prin- standing to them lake men.
soD, who was one of General Joseph E. John- Clara Louise Kellogg has been Campbell presented ciple on which the Church divided. That There is general complaint in Nelson ston's Adjutant of Generals Tennessee, during died his command with an elegant fruit receiver, success valued at Trovatore 6550, is simply this: The Northern county of destruction In of the young instances corn New Orleans. She was most exemplary la New York on Monday evening. The the of the Army recently in as a testimonial of her in Il principle crop by the cut-worm.
many gift Church claims the right to advise and whole fields are destroyed, and to be wife, daughter and mother, and one of the is from professional and amateur eritics. legislate upon any subject, political or furrowed out and planted over again. In most charming ornaments of society in the The British Consul at Havana has written some localities there a DeW species of Crescent City. to his government that the Spaniards now otherwise, that has a moral bearing. Any worm, which is more destructive than those The spring tair of the Shelby County arms are Afty-four thousand, and the Cubans question which in its practical operation with formerly a red known.
head, and It is eats a the small, staik white down worm, to (Tenn.) commencing Agricultural on the let and of Juve Horticural next, Society, have fifty-seven lost sixteen thousand, and thousand that the by Spaniards death mea may exert an effect upon the morality or the germ, instead of merely cutting it off. tses to be of much interest to the agricultural since the war began. immorality of the community or of indi- The court house in Marion, Crittenden community. of On fine the third baby-carriage day of the will fair It is again said that a Democratic daily viduals is a fit subject of ecclesiastical county, was Tre totally building destroyed had just fire been a awarded the finest baby under one year of per with is to of started $100,000, in to Washington take shortly, by premium be be days ago. com- all qualities to be considered by the com- a capital the place legislation.
The Southern church, on the pleted in place of the old court-house, which age, mittee, cousisting of distinguished bach- the old National Intelligencer, There is contrary, thinks it sees in this principle burned repairing during fishing war. the guttering, left elors. John Conservative Morissey, phper ex- now Barritt and Wal- city was the A tinner published in that the opening of a door that admits the dis- his furnace, full of live coals, ou the roof, During Dan Rice's recent visit to Clarks. lack, and other prominent local Democrats, was or cussion of almost every conceivable sub- which was overturned, setting the building ville, somebody overcharged him It is said, will be among the steckholders. ou fire.
As a melancholy colneidence to the amount of two dollars. He belongs to The managing editor has not jet been nomiject in the pulpit, and its inevitable above, while the fames were consuming that class of men who stand apon their rights, pated. degradation to a mere rostrum and the building Dr. H. L.
Lee, of Princeton, its the con- so he went to in law, a attorney's luxury which has when already he SUNDAr. destraction of its power as an agency for was quietly breatbing out his life, and died folded his tents and steamed away he left Dr John Christian Keerier, who was electtractor, who had superintended erection, cost him $95 fees; but the spirital elevation and instruction of by the time the building was consumed. word for his attorney to "see the thing ed Bishop by the Methodist District General It bolds that the Kingdom of The erection of the new Center College through if cost $500, and to draw upon ham of Baltimore, and at Memphis present yesterday, editor of is a the native New it Conference in mankind. building at Danville is progressing with u- for CHRIST is not of this world--that the usual success and mpidity, especially when it The citizens of Griffin, and of the Urleans Christian Advocate. Church owes no allegiance to any power is taken into consideration that it contains counties of Spalding, Newton and Heary, are The following are the internal revenue that it upward of 15,000,000 bricks and over 700 evidently tired of any business transacted turns in New York for April: Railroads, except CHRIST- and, therefore, may perches of masoury.
The iron, cut stone, beretofore with Savannah, and are now echo- stages, Ternes, 079.817; not meddle with any schemes or plans and other work being shipped from this city, ing loudly. the war ery of "On to Augusta." lotteries, theaters, that poltical or secular, or the sand obtained from the Kentucky river At the last meeting of the Georgia railroad During mouth 185,636,946 feet of gas the are pronounce seven miles from Danville, the rock quarried memorial was presented to the stockholders, consumed. judgment on any subject that has not at a distance of five miles, and the brick made representing that the citizens composing General Jordan is fortairg an American direct and immediate bearing upon the and lime burnt on the premises, and that, by these counties are desirous of building a rail- legion for Cuban service, which will be armed of the of Christ in the enterprise of Louisville contractors, an- road between the of Griflio, on the Macon with Remington rifles. Arrangements have building up Kingdom der the superior skill and management of Jae. and Western railroad, and lovington, on the been made for shipping arms to neutral this world.
Andrewartha, architect, of this city, who is Georgia road. point and then transferring them to Cuban The breach thus commenced in 1861 supervising its erection, this building, when It is pretty well settled that $3,000.000 insurgents. finished, desigred to be the bandsomest, seven per bonds autborized by the Lon- Charles Francis Adams and Gen Quincy would not perhaps have been irreparable, best constructed, and best arranged public isiana Legislature at its last session, for the Massachusetts, Nathaniel Thayer of Boston, but for the course of subsequent Northern tostitution get erected in the State. absorption of the floating debt, are to be ue- Pre- ident Elbott of Howard University, The Paris Citizen reports the Bourbon gottated in Europe, it being the of Couts, President of the Missouri river, Fort Assemblies, whose deliverances solemnly markets: "Hemp meeting with brisk thr best ir formed franciers that the credit of Scott, and Gulf railroad, and other distinpronounced their brethren of the South as sale at $8 per hundred. Hemp seed la in good the city of New Orleans stands better across guished gentlemen, were hi brief Fort visit Scott, Kanschismatics, heretics, offenders of the lively.
Mr. Richmond, of New York, the reflection Atlantic than at home. This is whose severe 898, turned on to Kansas City, After Mo. demand at 86. The wool trade has been quite Friday.
they blackest dye-rebels whose hands were Mr. ifiveling, of Obio, have had about edge of that city's perfect ability to pay all upon our own people, most monstrous and 50,000 pounds of wool delivered at Stuart its obligations should induce them to give MOSDAT. stained by the Bro's. C. 8.
Brent Son have also pur- wore than strangers for her bonds, The Albany Argus makes the Democratic atrocius crimes. As these deliverances chased about 10,000 pounds. The prices re- Political matters in New have an majority fu New York on the judicial ticket were placed on record year after year, large main at last week's figures-85 cents tor long ugly look just now. The Radicals and carpet- 85,000. them wool and 25 cents for short.
Whisky baggers having legislated so as to provide for Sews from Martinique says Gen. Falcon, numbers earnestly protested against nes dull. Only a few barrels sold to regular the admission of negroes into all of the pub- ex- President of Venezuela, died there of unconstitational and wrong; but still the trade. The shipments of cattle during cattle the lie schools, several negroes appeared at some oplexy. Presbyterians in several of the border men past think week the have prospects increased, are and good.
the The bog of the schools with negro and de- Alie Carpenter, son of J. E. Carpenter, States adhered to the Northern Assembly. market is looking July up. delivery.
Buyers are There offering white children all left, the parents rushing to drowned at Toledo, Ohio, while bathing manded admittance. The resuit was the paymaster W. and The war closed there was some prospect 10 some cents for among the home-buyers." sects the schools and bringing them off, and the the river Saturday evening. of reunion; the Northern Assembly has- to be activity mil- police bad to to prevent bipodshed. The Sbawneetown and Madisonville The end is not yet, as the people are de- The Stars at defeated the Eckfords Providence, Webster conn- termined not to have mixed schools, ball in New York on Saturday.
Score 15 tened to instruct its churches to receive Do road organized at The Harvard Club, of Boston, start on ministers or members from the South with- ty, Gordon on President, 11th, by and the a Board election of Directors. A letter from White Springs (Fla) tour to San Francisco shortly. the of We out their first confessing their sin involved The Madison ville Times saye: The distance crops The weather is up, favorable The dramatic season with in this section are all with at the National Theafrom Shawncetown to Madisonville, making good very ter. Cincinnati, closed last night in their complicity with the "rebellion" or Claysville, Providence and Nebo points on now, and the crops scem in a burry to come Jefferson's engagement. A benefit will with Against these, and the line, forty-two miles, and it has been up with what is the usual standard for the given Marager Miles Friday evening.
all the political deliverances of the estimated skilled engineers that it will middle of May. The best in grades this of neighbor- short A letter of Archbisbops Purcell and Kenrick, cost only $150:000 to grade the road bet ween cotton are alas! largely the planted Bishop Dupanloup in a dispute against preceding tour or five years, a still more the two points; the deepest cut on the line hood; brain, is but again same in disease, spite of the cotton pros- on with Archbishop Spaulding on the infallibilprotest was presented. It was will not exceed eight or ten feet. Four prevailing fall. When will ity question, is published in New York.
earnest thousand dollars pect for low prices next prominent wen in Ken- hundred and twenty miles tarmere see their error, and correct it by mak- Red Cloud, John Richards, and about It more forty-two (this estimate is liberal) ing an ample supply of provisions first, and twenty five Sioux left Fort Fellerman yestersigned mainly by iron the of the road, tucky, Missouri and Maryland con- $150,000 all the necessary stock it, cotton after that, so far as their time will day moruing for Washington. It is expected "Declaration" of what its signers place making in all $220,000. This estimate, of permit. There are three mortgages on many they will reach Cheyeune on the 97th inst. rolling upon tained a believed to be the true principles of Pres- coure, is not expected to be accurate, but at ond, our for crops: rent or First, land; thard, to the An unknown man head was in found Mill dead creek, with of to the caterpillar, secby terianism and their "Testimony" against is road will cost us.
house and corn crib. You need pot expect Cincinnati, Saturday afternoon. He in the neighborhood of what the completed pistol shot in the be in violation The Mays ville Eagle says: "Old farmer 10 escape the firet. Examine fielde, and about forty-8ve years old, hair slightly mised the the acts they believed to or you will find hundreds of cocoons ploughed that will be very crop with gray, and a light mustache. The pistol thereof.
The next deliverances of the predict there a coming short up already, from which in due time the ca er- was pear by in the water. Doubtless a Northern were directed againet corn and potatoes during the summer pillar dy is sure to come." Assembly and fall, and that the price for these articles suicide. will rule in the fall and winter. It sable Ror. J.
Albert Hydes, of Athens, Saturday night's express train East, on the torical lact that and severe bas recently purchased of traveler from Fort Wayne and Chicago road, ran off "Declaration and Testimony" party. bigh They were required to retract. Every drought prevailed throughout Europe and the Southern Texas border a span of bores track, near Lucas, Ohio, killing a man (name a long-protracted them. 11 America and large parts of Asia in 1790, known as the red fox. They are the large unknown) who stealing ride between presbytery was warned against of tood la France daring that medium pony, being a cross between the Span- the tender and baggage car.
The engineor any presbytery ventured to receive, or to the following year contributed to ish borse and mastang streak along pony. the They back, are from dis. and Semen were badly bruised. The pa-sen the scarcity and retain, one of these "Declaration and Tes- the French Revolution. It is a Tact also that the tinguisted mane by the a of the deep color of the gers were not hurt, and were brought forward its connection, it should sixteen years later, in 1806, there to tail, lighter to Pittaburg with a few hours' delay.
timony" men in drought and a great scarcity throughout red -the body being of a color. The at Terre Haute, Indiana, be ipao facto by that very act-dissolved. world, and that in this county farmers Tae limbs are of the the 1 ce on Tuesday, the 24th instant, finest form and finish- epring races The attempt thus to blot out of existence their stock for miles to the Ohio river to build indicating great endurance, activity and continue four days. Already more bodies rather long and round; whole Ken- ter. remember that the same- county, was and speed.
They are kindly disposed but forty stables are Colvin, of St. Louis; Rouch, tneinding in Men are living in the who fast horses on the ground, every Presbyterian organization tipetly metal. They perform good serv- the tucky and Missouri, gave rise to the mem- 1823, just sixteen years later stall. Tal fall of bigh the saddle, but are especially Wilson, of Kentucky, Hunter sixteen years after, the summer months ice bie in under harness. They trot dogs, and with Bouts, of Torre Haute; and Bissell, of orable discussions of the Assembly of 1866, without rain and there was almost an country before like them will leave Haute.
Among the best horses present and resulted in the further disruption of failure of the corn and potato crops. pratrie a hundred miles behind them in a Bobemian Girl, Naomi, Plot, Temple, member the year of 1854. In many eighty to the following Morrisser, Den. Vourbees, W. the Northern Church and the separation Kentucky there was DO rain from the se day, much and on playful nimbleness as morning rabbits.
manifest Thomas, Stridesway. Coriane, from it of the majority of Presbyterians in day of July until November, and DO er, Pout's b. g. Jobs, and Wilson those two States. Those in Missouri still until tate Deceraber, In Of the crop We prospects la Louisiana, few Sugar b.
g. animals to arrive suicient quantities to be of much the Rickett'a Hoosier Tom. A number retain an independent organization uncon- direction farmers were compelled to from Planter farmer or pianter. Never since cropping day, inaluding the are Rolls: Goldduet says: hear but complaints celebrated expected nected with either Assembly. Those in water for their bousehold stock, not began in this State there a fairer prospect The pusses offered are manifested in and was and liberal, united with the pie quently in Mason drove their cattle to the date at the same time cotton and corn year all promise the and crest public contest4 for purposes.
Mans? of the than there is interest is this State were formally drove to now. Cane, prospective Southern Assembly, at its meeting in Mo for water, river. and the In people September of Boyle we rode most glowing results. A drouth may serious- of therefore, is the the Dix ly miure the yield of cane and corn; the cat- Tor correspondent a bile one year ago. This, Magsville to Danville without seeing a green may ruin the cotton--these are York paper thas of Kentucky second meeting of the United Southern blade of grass or a leaf.
Everything chances to which those great staples are sub- ho graemuy admired: Mra. Church. It deliberations Illinois the very cori, ap, penetrated on by the jected. We will, yield the assertion of the many old who bud from returved New fork, morning looking parched and dried and the prairies of however, add to that with Presbyterian of pects of a good olknap will probably be of moze than usual in- stalks of grass, canght fire from the plantems, that the season opena precisely tremetr handsome. She is tall, the locomotives and burnt There did that of the great year of 1856, when formed woman, with brilliant compleadoo, terest.
short crop of corn that year, and of made almost too much engar, or at least cark and heir. She ta in mourning, It the question of their relations to the bles that depended on summer rains made so much that it brought nothing, wore a dress of beavy English crape eyre Northern Church should come up, as is reason velopmen) trom all none. a general The next to it. This drawback encontagina to in the over black silk. paunter, the there were is The also of probable, and measures be proposed look sets in every sixteen seats, and the is reme.
the probable scarcity of labor, which even open at the gracefully throat." this that 1 The greatest be feared was looped, corsage ing to the establishment of correspondence, is masked by the law of regular DOW not equal to the demand. With cotton ont discussion it is certainly true that wet winter like and sugar far the more main so than labor in in their takiaz cultivation. off the that A WRITER ere bave been 50 many siora. To corroborate this vie of hes iD Magazine or eventual reunion, a spirited by be anticipated. A scheme for the that of are generally succor The question of labor at the proper time set- actors and actresses the stage may dry summers.
There may be come tied, the planter sud feel much theatrical begra, establashment of a great Soutbern univer. this worthy of the attention of pro- eag'er even do 11:301. sity may be introduced, though it is not 1 1 net pall SE 10 the 1 ules-yess 181, nays M. TUESDAY. color or previous condition passed without debate under of servitude, a suspension of In the Senate Mr.
Cameron a memorial for general abolition of taxation on productions, spoke in favor of the substitution of external for internal taxes, and above all the abolition of income tax. After the discussion of sowe minor business the Fifteenth amendment bill was taken the ap, and was ddbated during the balance of day. Ferry rethe plied to existence of any rebeilions state of affairs Morton's speech of yesterday, denying South. Morton spoke at great length, defending the Georgia officials from the speech charge of corruption. Sawyer eulogized the of Ferry sound Republican doctrine.
Revels defined his poeition and that of. the Republican party of upon the question of general amnesty. He was in favor of removing disabilities in toe. South just fast the Drake people evidence of loyalty. disabilities.
argued 1s against the general removal of postponed to take up the House bill on the subject, which had been received from that body, but objection was made, on the ground that the pending bill had been carefully matured by the Judiciary Committee, while the House bill was defective, In the House the bill to revive American commerce and navigation was considered and laid over. Petitions for the impeachment of Stephen J. Field, Justice of the Ogden Supreme Court of the United States, and Holtman, Judge de facto of the United States for the District of California, were referred to the Judiciary Committee. A bill was incorporating the Kansas Pacific Railroad Company The naval appropriation elicited lengtby debate. Dawes attacked the Navy Department for Its antagonism to the la w-making power, and Its extravagance, and said the United States nary cost three or four.
times as much per man as that of Great Britain. Logan, ro the swarm of unemployed officers, wanted to know why they bould be without any necessity for gance of all departments, and stated that there were in the Treasury Department 1,000 employes more than were authorized by law, and 000 more than were employed last year. Atter debate the bill was considered, section by section, for amendment. During the discussion of an amendment by Mr. Washburne, of of Wisconsin, Mr.
Cox. said he would as soon think of comparing an old canal scow to magnificent occan steamer as to compare Seeretary Robeson to Secretary Welles, No quorum voting, the Hopse adjourned. WEDNESDAY. In the Senate a number of petitions and resolutions were presented. The bill to force the Fifleenth amendment was laid aside and the House bill on the same subject taken up, and Stewart moved to substitute the Seunte bill and amendments, guing that the House lective 10 many respects.
Messrs. Pool and Carpenter spoke to the same eflect, and the Senate bill was then considered before the Senate as the pending amendment. After some discussion the Senate took ef- recess. The evening session was devoted to wholly to bearing a speech by Mr. Cragin suppost of the bill to execute the laws of the United States in Utah.
In the House, a bill to allow honorably discharged soldiers and sailors to enter lands under the homestead act passed. The bill to rive the navigation and commercial interests of the Colted States was discussed without action. The Committee on Elections ported that Mr. Wallace, from the Fourth District of South Carolsua, is entitled to scat. The naval appropriation being bill was amended.
again considered and passed after The salaries of all naval officers were creased. THI BADAY. In the Senate resolution Was ordered printed requesting the President to open negotiations with Great Britain, looking to union of the British North American provinces with the United States. A number bills were latroduced, including oce by SherR191 to reduce taxation. It strikes out of the present act and talus $116.441,570, based on last year's rev.
in enue. The bill to enforce the Fifteenth amendment was diseased by Haumiton, Maryland, in opposition, and by Schurt ed and Howard, in its favor. The latter sold amnesty would one day bring back to the halls Congress and the ringleaders of the rebellion to batch and revivify the lost cause. Mr. How.
of no ard yielded to report from the Judiciary Committee upon the corrupt fluences brought to bear upon Senators on the Georgia bill, The report ordered to be printed. In the House a bill was reported for the sale of unused arsenals set and South. The bill to revive American commerce and navigation advocated by Hale and opposed by Allieon, and went over. consular and diplomatic appropriation bill was taken up and gave rise to an extended debute. The omission of appropriation for a Minister to Paraguay alecuesed.
The discontiarance of the sioa to Rome caused a heated discussion, re- which Roman Catholicism, Know and witcheraft in Maesachusetta two hundred years ago, entered very largely, partielpated in by Brooks, of Sew York, Covode, of Peanwas sylvanis, Bingham, of Oblo, Dawes, of aud Foorbees, of FRIDAY. In the Senate petitions were presented relative to communication between the lantic and Pacific via Nicaragua and for recoguation of the Cubans. The resolution of for Anal adjournment cussed at length, and fixed Col. 15th of July. Consideration of the Fifteenth amendment bill was reeumed.
Mr. Howard suggested an amendment defining the duties of the military when, called upon to excente re- laws. Mr. Thurman objected to giving the. Fresident unlimited power.
Mr. Hams preferred the House bill, and Mr. Stewart thought the pending ball hopelessly defective Mr. Thurman submitted an amendmeat, the object of which was to preserve the purity of elections and prevent the repetition ap- glaring frauds perpetrated in New fork at the last Presidential election. Several motions to adjourn were negatived, and the discussion was in progress at in o'clock, with every indication it would continue until daylight.
base In the House the bill compensating officers and crow of the Kersarge for destroyto tog the Alabama, passed, the sum of a 000 to be taken from the Japanese jodemoity tand. The Louisiana contested election ease of Nesham against Ryan was Joe eussed and laid over. Mr. Hour agreed to be Senate amendment to the Anal adjournment resolution, making the matter dual. Knott made witty speech upon the bill paving Pennsylvania arenue, in Washington, which provoked cont wunous laughter and plause.
SATURDAY. The Senate was in contiatious session Friday antil Saturday morning, chiedy consideration of the bill to enforce the teenth amendment. The Senate ball near finally substituted for the House bill and passed by a rote of 49 to 8. In the House number of petitions pecsented, including one to make greenbacks case receivable for dues and. otber taxes leetea by the Government.
Mr. Cox, asked the leave to otter a reeulation. requesting the Judiciary Committee to report the eight-bour law for laborers workmen in Government employ, but it objected to. The bill to inerease tabled. the A salary of the Minister to China was authorizing the Secretary of State to cause the remains of General Asboth, late Minister to the Argentine Confederation, and General Steadman, late Consul to Santiago de Cuba, thaa to mer be removed interred to in the the United Naticaal Cemetery States, the to be of at Arlington, was passed.
In the Louisiana contested election case of Newsham against Terse Ryan, the seat 75. given to the former by vote of 79 to recoceideration are moved for the purpose of declaring the K. vacaat. Mr. Cos sold be wonld being prefer signs Loaf- caney to a asurpation.
motion to There adjours prevalled. of to- Southern Railroads, stock. Wasbiagton Special to Commercial. the Hon. Aaron F.
Perry, of Clocinnati, an argument before the House Judiciary Committee to day, in behalf of the New ment, for the of a large railroads. It amount lady indebtedneas that, at close Southern of the war, some of Bower, stated railroads obtained from the Government the Mr. ing stock and other fatures to the smoust ex- 6rteen million dollars, and gave their faely. for the same, payable to one, two and and. years.
portion of roads some have otbere complied, the made with the ur faet agreements, std The Nashville paying as the possible. East cat and Chattanooga, Tennessee Georgia, sad the Tennessee and ginis roads, have declined to pay, the beileves 200d sand, The defendants claim that the owing about one million sera bundred since ernment seized ard a their roads, presout stock, for whict they bare received the debt, amount ions three able the the changed the seen official May April April May ago upon debt; upon Then of the terest tween at a terest have the. ring says to and Of the the to he bot the it 10 happy.The General Assembly. dates of of of not ter let gift sand is ter de of ities was the a a dein re- rea a of of rean in Althe the of the disthe Mr. for ape from 12 FuWas were col- the back and was bill.
for- was of 1 made of Afte roll. notes three a re Virformer thouGov- roiling no.