The Birmingham News from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)


(OLD) BESS. ROAD 6-547R tti TO $109 BEACON LOAN COMPANY III N. 18th St VOLVO MAN to assist manager DAUG STORE. Drug sundries, won-Ul 8 derful location, fully equipped. Call to see 3323 Vanderbilt Rd.

olding, commode type. Or will buy. 54-8589' Poctofftce Box 565. Bham. ALEiMEX.

Do you need an eztrai line with good commits. in and WANTED. volume? Writ H. S. Hasten, 4th 8.

-T- X1S helper heet. no commission, direct tales 1-19 ears old. AD 1-0994- experience necessary Phone 54-6447. RRHK. Doors.

Lumber. detal Roof Plywood. A I a House Are air. S29 19th 0t 6-4746. DRY CLEANING PLANT HSSsSSF-iSSUE dry.

All modern, on. high type ADJUSTER I National linn, rapid advancement. FINANCE CO. ss-ra; age 22-JO. ior ouuide collection rrtee, 4314 work.

College graduate preferred. 1BUl N. LI UtraUve storting salary and most MECHANIC full time benefit air rooted engine. St Excellent opportu proportion for right nent and a grad. ty fN advaneament and a a experienced do not Hvrito SERVICE salary and com misupn.

Phon UXF.D CAR for furniture, boat. TV. projector and screen, or what have you- Have several good 46 to 51 models. Call AL 1-115. SOR ROWFUL JONES.

2009 6th Corner 6th Ave. and 29th S. shi trade nlimited. Approximately investment. Terms JOT.

D-126, care News. sgl anteed 4-1565 FIRST LOAN 50c BORROW 50 FOR 2 WEEKS REPAY 50 19 E. Z. FINANCE CO. ta Write PHUTIMS: cash rntial.

SALESMEN uppllance and vacutmi tries U22. SufS V-'SSS for applionces ra- rnim akmg'wc raoMU AlY-IisI Ond television. Good aU Mr BrUl LM ad 12 a m. for appoint salary. Store benefits.

epulat BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 68 'Pi IALS: New flush doors, 7. Fren and back doors. 815. Window- all sixes. 5 pr.

19-gal. electric or gas water heaters, $65. AG types plumbing goods Lowest prices. ELYTON SUPPLY CO 1. 3rd N.

54-7654 FORD TRACTOR and Equipment agency. Well established in town of 50,000. Plenty of industrial and farm trade. Have wonderful loca CASH PAID INTERSTATE BLOOD BANK 220 N. 1ATH ST.

NEED BLOOD TO SUPPLY HOSPITAL 8 to 4:30 en SSS.Sii 2025 Vi 2nd Ave N. BSi.1 SETM! ffiSSL 53-3484 or Alpine A-UnaiSSl1 impa, gS resT Will pot rfouirf at Isrsc ss uar i rt ha vtav sccJ rcj tubs amount of capital to handle. Write Regular rates: Borrow $50 for two ervj crvumD tve I built-in tubs weeks; repay $54. B-170 care ham News. GUY SEYMOUR.

INC Nw iSs 2224 3rd North 54-5564 SALESMAN TOMOTTVU MACHINIST. Capa dition. Good position for right man. of taking complete charge of Must be responsible and nay ex Mdf. Bairda Bearings A Parts p.ri-e.

Apply 916 N. 19th StH 9307 7th S. MECHANICS. Need I auto and truck mechanics, good working con iion ft Apply Personnel Dept. PIZITZ IS up 29 UP 2 New toilet combinations 34 50 up Here la an opportunity with a Urge national concern if willing to work hi i6 PER WJEK salary.

Plus com- Men's Clothing Salesman 57 AUTO LOANS BARBER WANTED Call 56-0093. Gas and electric, plain and graas. led water pipe fittings plumbing supplies. SHOWCASES DIXIE STORE FIXTURES 2129 FIRST NORTH good local references. Guaranteed crHn, inriTP niisiioai for family man, 25 to 35, GASOLINE tank wagon, 1.000 fal I South SCHOOL GRADLATE, 20-30.

school graduate, service ex-lcaPty mounted on 19a2 ford 1W Thi a Permanent Job as a Ion. 31.300. VI 1-6851. crvic4 Sute taIeman- N01 GROCERY AND MARKET. ABC draw Apply 2106 3rd Ave SHEET METAL MECHANIC iflttl rltlAL MtUIAMIL EASY AUTO LOANS CARPENTER to trim out house.

to oasrtrtlng must be experienced, and have tools. Apply 1950 Phone 56-5791 Ado! Iftj) Apply 1950 1 0,,, a i Ml'ljWwthera cense, buy intersection. Store new-j Alabama Industrial Finance Co. USED DE KS. FILES.

SAF y.r.. U.r-a.Tri ris TuacaloosAs, fvr Reply Age 30-45, must bp evSPrieneed Employment. 1648 Brown Marx and thernrtiU orCl an etfr and all fixtures and equtt- 2109 6th Ave S. Park Free. 53-2536 MAZF.R OFC.

A STORE EQUIP building at bargain prices. News. Post-Her- 36 wk jBldg. AL 1-5258. ia I Mi I MEERS BUILDING SUPPLY CITY ENGINEER.

Bessemer. 622 aid. giving lull background of exp MALE i SHEET METAL furnace STapplynig. Box H-132. care News" Modern equipment, good clean stock.

cevAan'c'' Warren, complete with com-. VtUltlllTn Uperator guttr start 2.23 hr GRAD, draft exempt, good one of the best colored locations in? ex.ellent condition, 400 i i Mo Woodward f'gures $22 a kit iwcToiirTiAu it Bham. Located in a large colored itvdit civ a Yrg Cash or terms. Frank Scheiano. ri0mG0Wn6r LO YOU rlOri health and reason GROCERY STORE refinancing.

Drlve-ln service out of crowded downtown area. Alabama!) AL 1-8210 MULTILJTbT HELP WANTID, INSTRUCTION MERIT FINANCE INS ENGINEER, 401 to 487 JG. INSPECTOR. 317 372. LBOR FVSBEMAN.

280 330. Personnel Board Hoorn 829. Courthouse Combination steam table OPR exp. 75 MRS. SMART, Ontrail 404 Vi $3,500 down and walk in mak- 4-5486 Grayxville.

9-4419. 1701 2nd North N. 20th SL 54-0531. Refi! IrnSl JjJi WALNUT finish executive desk-a At TO LOANS FINANCING class top matching chair excel-OPult A RellaMe Trnstworthj lent condjtion not atmk. 2 5822.

eaD recommend expert HIT I and Experienced Immediately, iuar', 53-2594 1250 machine, salary open, down-, riivr at mil tl town. Drifters need not apply. Write NHIjp AIFMAn and skort order cook. White ex- Box A-190, care News JIIWL JHLLJI IHH BflyFciir 2U1 Mh Ave" office detail work, wholesale Young man to train as Grocery experience. Local concern.

1 WOMEN WANTED (Aces 18 to 551 head, with 4-room Uvtaf quarters. Are too atymied because you etnt For appt call LEE LAND, 4-0421; find employment- Would you be G-2557. illin to fire equivalent of 2 R. E- SMITH RL1Y. Realtor HARDWARE STOKE.

WU1 sell stock the thing ouand rentthe buUding. Apply 1021 Regardless of INSTRUCTION FOR SALE OR RENT Used meat cases and other store and market equipment. See TED SHAW, 6506 1ST N. 60 SCHOOLS, COLLECES contractor. Materials and Labor Money Supplied No Money Down, Easy Monthly Terms YOUR ONE STOP BUILDING MATERIAL CO rtght future, aii replies treated department manager with confidence.

Call D. M. Mobley 4-6766. OFFICE EXECUTIVE, between 30 enn; and 43. with personality and ability Some experience Top salary and MASSEY students are tn demand ViLrWS5; Enroll now New classes, Maasey wet-up unit with tower Cost $5,000.

Sacrifice for 1,300. Now in COMMERCIAL ARTIST Top pharmaceutical manufacturer wants artist experienced in pack age design, advertising layout, line rawing, color separation, hand let- Top pharmaceutical manufacturer Mjim 8 dug. color separation, nana your age of previous nJ" experience we train you for a emvi.GMiaoen a. For complete AL 2-6414 Mond; Information ITirough Saturday fhily in Business College. AL 1-7278.

GOOD SALESMEN neces-j offer: commission. Rapid ad-U Product vancement. Apply per- 5ooTonYweek-End sonel office. PIZITZ 5. Opportunity For Advancement 6.

Full or Part-Time Situations 7. Large Company Benefits QUALIFICATIONS: use, excellent condition. See at 215 IN. 20th or phone 54-0121. LAUNDERETTE LIFETIME CHANCE one this business district SWITCHBOARD SCHOOL SHIELDS.

4-7569 or 6-7967. A. O. LAVETTE A- INS. Mazer Lumber Supply Co.

34-7608 SHORT. INEXPENSIVE COURSE Then placement In fine high salary position. Nothing liner than this Male and female. Veteran approved COMPTOMETER SCHOOL 1323 Brown-Marx Bldg. AL 3-3988 A closeout of office furniture and supplies at reduced prices.

ZAC SMITH STATIONERY CO. 608 Graymont Ave. 53-3521 to handle over the phone sales. Cap agk-iable of handling produetkm and shipping schedules Knowledge of iel-; bookkeeping helpful, reliability es-19 ring. Company offers varied en- Sentlal, position available Immedi-moyee benefits Ineluding a Ldsy ately.

Address references and per- 1 N-w paid holidays, paid vara iry comnienurate with PV end resume of experience to Personnel Dlrec Draftxempt. 21-00, experienced! tor fek. group net its. fr cafeteria, paid abilit.Knd and experlenc-i )60 per wk I COAL, WOOD, co*kE Must bd aggressive man who can really sell. No order takers-wanted Own late-model car.

For interview call Mr. Mac Leod, 53-9281. PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS 61 CAHABA mine run. At mine 4, Delivered 7.50. Lumps $10.50 Stoker 8.50.

WO 1 1538 anytime. Show Card Writer or Silk Screen, Artist DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. Fall classes. Enroll now. AL 2-5925.

ElUabeth Holt, 1828ti 3rd N. EMPLOYMENT 'WfTf 1305 Comer UNITED SPECIAL SALE! ON REBUILT typewriters. All makes. New protables, any make Easy terms. Small down payment.

VICTOR ADDING MACHINE CO. 1821 5th N. 4-1873 PLOUGH, INC: B022 Jackson Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 73 FARM IMPLEMENTS "35 Jobs For Every Steno" SHORTHAND IN 6 WEEKS YOU CAN DO IT WITH SPEEDWRITING SANDWICH SHOP. Wholesale and BECAUSE tt's an A. B.

short retail business. Low overhead. Sale hand. No symbols, no machines! 995. WO 14328 or LY 2-2273.

55T SP EEDW RITIN Cl "Mn'd eH paid po sfu ZUn taking Monthly Moil prod Position. You start taking ucts owner has other business, will sacrifice for 7.500 cash. AL" SMITH. 4-0421, 6-0483. R.

E. SMITH RLTY. Realtor dictation the very first day. SPEEDWRITING Secretories Now LIVESTOCK Good pay. 5-day week, free retire nient plan, complete group insur ante program, libera vacations Write Mr.

Disney, Colonial Stores. P. O. Box 4358. Atlanta.

Gas PLANT FOREMANS (2). H.S. 25-35 yrs. 11.85 hr Mrs. Saunders, Central 404, i N.

20th St. 54-853 1 62 DOGS, CATS, PETS PLANT ENOB. A88IRTAHT fir 1 in. or heavy steel, siuo x. up.

r. regis-i Phone BEAGLE PUPS. A. K. C.

tered. also stud service. 54-7481. FAEMAll. super A and equipment Excellent condition.

$1430. Jefiersou Tractor Co. 721 26th St 54-063T i NEW Lundell Forage Harvester stock, several used automatic baj ers and side delivery rakes. Ap pro-: mately 20 used tractors, sev eral different makes. Priced to selt HANNA TRACTOR CO.

1002 1st North 4-850 OVER S200 WEEK We need 3 men interested in a selling job that pays big money. Sales experience not important. Hours are good, product well established and leads excellent. Call us if you are interested in earning 200 week or more. Dont if you are not.

Billy Rees, 4-1771. Suite 610. from 9 to 12. mSSrUyom Central Emp 40414 N. 20th Salary around 600 to start.

Fine local plant Trammell 320 TV TECHNICIAN with sales back Woodward Bldg 53-2594. ground, at least 5 yrs. experience. to handle shop work and sell TVs on the floor Do not apply unless experienced, qualified and sober. Wholesale experience, call on hard- Cooper TV.

1521) Pinson Tarrant. BfUVKRS 6 Fduc under 35 clean cut reliable wk YOUNG MAN. husky, draft empt 280 moJH SHOE SALESMAN, exp or train, comm. 51 wk.j CLERK TYPIST, 21V) yrs. 51 da.

MAf HINISTS. 1st class (3) 2p ware and furniture stores. 25-40 mkivfr Must be experienced (TALESMAN, Inside wk. mechanical background. 400 Plu 'n handling hiuiehold gSST.


CHIHUAHUA at stud: Russos Little Cisco Will accept fee orl puppy. Call 56-8918. I Earning $50 TO $75 A WEEK WHY struggle along in a low-paying routine, dead-end Job when IN ONLY SIX WEEKS jment required. Call Haynes Horne, You Can Be a Stenogrooher 5ii4.3-l0r-?pp0iltnlent has modern serv-per Good location. 76 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 69 FISHERMAN'S GUIDE Boats and Motors Tackle Bait Places to Go Repairs expenses TRAINEE, printing 'j qualified and not able to ihakej YOUNG MEN bond, do p.1 PP'- While 2 y0ung mterested in sales snd nuiremo-nts Win success' Ynbh Pxcel'ent facilities.

Van Lines. 1630 2nd S. Inales management to assist local Civil Service and leading buriness Please can 4-3634. 120 WORDS PER MINUTE 50 -SHELL OIL CO. cent above Civil Service re 3ce station for lease.

If interested UNINCUMBERED MAN. with su UNITED EMPLOYMENT KAnvImy ability, under 50 rn -al board ADMIRAL TV set, apt. size stove, chest of drawers, drop leaf table end tables, living room suite, etc sacrifice. 56-9360. APT.

SIZE gas range, $18.95. Electric range. Wringer washer, ABC washer. $49.95 all have been checked and in good COLLIE. A.

K. C. registered, fe-l male, sable and white. Wonderful! pet for kids. Sell for 50 or trade for tri-color Collie, Beagle.

Boxer or Pekingese pups. VI 1-6078 after 5 p.m. PARAKEETS. The FINEST In RARE babies and breeders. Jimj Mercer, 3839 Clalrmont Ave.

LY 2-8945. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN and 173 mo. MRS SAUNDERS CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT 4fMVk N. 20th SI. 54-8531 working condition AMARO STORES, INC.

SriBRNITL RE REPAIR. MAN. Must good at EfiiSS WOODLAWN, 1st N. HEART OF WOODLAWN Lot 65x110 for rent. Ideal for used car, drive-in, etc.

Call 4-7569 or 6-7987. A O. LAVETTE E. tc INS. FOB SALE.

Office Equipment Bus! ness. Old established firm. For quick sale. Fixtures at book value plus Inventory. For further Information.

write Box G-114. care News. WAREHOUSE FOREMAN gSL'gitig upqTo SURPRISINGLY LOW FEE TAKE A YEAR TO PAY SPEEDVVRIT1NG shorthand schools offer free iob placement service in 150 cities. ALVERSON DRAUGHON COLLEGE Wholesale building material, to supervise assembly of window and door units, shipping and receiving, with established, reliable firm. Sal- gfrvICEMVN ary open Write giving, qualifications To make calU- $75 t0 Apply care of P.

O. Box la48, ham 1, TELEVISION WARRANTY O. Ala. WAREHOUSE SALESMAN Permanent position for expert salesman of warehouse service and allied MEN 3, (COLORED) week IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR TOP-QUALITY SALESMAN IN EASTERN SECTION AND OVER THE Experience preferred but not absolutely necessary. We are inter-Furniture onjy ln high-type men with a 2412 2nd AvbL strong determination to be a suc- cevx in HEAL ESTATE, tor interview.

call J. C. Stapleton. 4 6648. Rt.t HICKKATOK and washer serv required, high school wfr Galleries rles, ST.

BERNARD, female, 2 yrs oleBilM' SrimaS Ala I BEDS. 5: springs. 5: innerspringa, SommeraJP. O. BoxHhSelm a.

Aja. B0 4Tg EEPAlKED and fiber glass 10; chest. $10: dresser, $10: desk, TOY MANCHESTER, male, 8 wks. installed. Burns Woodworking See any time.

Res. 6800 1st old. A. K. C.

registered 4633 Georgia Rd. LY 2-2363. Ave N. I town, must seUcheap. 56-9792.

DISCOUNT on many rods, BF.I tfoldingl. Ideal for Alayj reels, spinning and deep sea, thous-jroom, office or river cottage. Bed ands of other items at a bargain. iand mattress fold into 2x4 stud wall, STEWARDS SPORT SHOP SEALE LUMBER CO. Il06 N.

19th St. AL 2-0167 Ens 6-1151 East Lake, VE 3-3418 BIDING HORSE and saddle, very gentle, will also work. $85. Child's Hxperlem-e se to 25, draft-exempt. Must Age 25 to 50.

make up to 80 selling ice cream on regular route. Permanent and pleasant work. Must have good references. WO 1-5643. Ice man.

Experienced only need apply. Must have references. Good Ray, many company benefits. Apply Ir. Fowler.


CALL AL 1-9281, 7-5 p.m. VE 3-7580. AFTER 5 P.M. BTiam's only air-conditioned school For your free catalog Call AL 2-7105 The best jobs in Bham go to Alverson Draugboo graduates. TED EMPLOYMENT 1305 Comer Bldg.

services. Warehouse contains 50,000 square feet, on railroad, all modern loading and handling facilities, convenient city location. Prefer man with contacts in Merchandise Warehouse industry, 30 to 40. Excellent salary to start, opportunity for advancement with one of leading companies in field in the South. Send record of employment, age qualifications, to Box P-297, care Bham News.

pet. Bess. 5-4814. JEWEL TEA INC. REGISTERED pharmacist, must have good references.

Excellent working conditions and salary. Bes semer 8-2397. DAVIS BOATS, originals, accept BEDROOM SUITE, walnut Water-no copy. Limited time only. 14-ft.

fall, A-l condition. Original cos DE LUXE. $176.50. Terms available. $299 95.

Consisting of a very at-j Can use two men in route sales HELP WANTED, MALE, FEMALE 47 department. If you would like to POULTRY, RABBITS, SUPPLIES 64 I Hxperienced in retail toolsl poLTOrirfevil INSURANCE DEBIT, experience not inceasary. Better thin average Rmlngs. 720 Stallings Bldg. 5J-3227 tore 19 a m.

I ESMAN FAIRFIELD OUTBOARD 4906 Gary Fairfield SALE AT 826 get into sales work and dont have) a CCTATC DEDCriMC 'he experience here Is your chance itxtYL. lj I AN I rCKjvJINj to earn while learning. $60 per week Ideal set up for good earnings for SUB-JOBBER to work Blount Coun- 4m SnlMlnr nixn Ol OK I 1 1 1 1 lln moinr ml rnm SMALL CAFE FOR 8TH FAIRFIELD HIGHLANDS Contact full line of major oil BABY CHICKS Dixie Hatcheries. 2410 3rd N. 4-3800.

with com Realtor, Dahv products. For information. KOUTEMKN. Neat appearing, to call on 3,000 established customers, no peddling, 70 per wk. guarantee to start, plus expenses.

Chance lor advancement, protected territory, car necessary. Apply Room 1234. 2308 4th N. 10 a m. till 2 P.m.

or phone 4-1717. tractive round mirrored vanity, large roomy chest, lovely bed. Onl $99,50. Cash or terms. A A BONDS FURNITURE tAla.s Largest Used Furn.

Store) 2 1 17 3rd North. 54-1 582 CHINA cabinets, curved glass; bed, and dining room suites. Bargain Davis. 2420 4th N. 54-4136.

while In training, age 21-35. persistent workers. 4-0421. Mr. Reagan or Mr.

Moore. Tuesday R. E. SMITH RLTY CO through Friday from 8 until 5 at mt Jewel Tea Office, 1231 1st S. Salesmen Birmins iwrite to P.

O. Box 6465. Iham 7. Ala. OPENING.

2 men, ages 21 to 45 $280 per month to start. Permanent retirement, complete training. Apply 622 N. 22nd St! MERCURY outboard motors. 15 off on most 56 models.

Aristocraft and Cadillac aluminum boats. Also used boats cheap. We repair Mercury. Wizzard and Seabees. ADAMS MERCURY CUSHMAN Sales and Service 110 S.

20th St. AL 1-1342 INSURANCE MEN WANTED, LIVESTOCK, SUPPLIES 65 Women WANTED. English and Western saddles, must be in good condition Vending Machine Due to promotion transfers and our business for sale. Good opportunity new expansion program, we need 50 $., people in tht Ktatf of Aiihama tn hasis. And ideally suited lor re rntroduce our new all-new heaUh 'rlp0r JJTW Uirifii couple.

ash insurance. We have 32 different ways to write health insurance. DEEP FREEZE. 22-ft. Original cos 8549.95, slightly damaged.

Our pnc $200 cash. Will deliver. Butler Refrigerators, 801 S. 18th 4-3641. SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Bauer and Black division of the Kendrll Co.

has sales territories available in Ala. and Tenn. Age to 35 preferred. Salary, automobile, expenses, bonus. Some college and experience desirable.

District man- JR. EXECUTIVES Young men, age 24-35, college grads with experience handling boys. YMCA, athletic coach or boy scouts. Have 5 openings in Ala. and others over the S.

East. Salary while training $300. Personnel Consultants. 612 Empire AL 1-3247. BOYS.

(White) 16 and over. 1 per hr. after training period. City routes. 8 till 9 a.m..

4 till 5 p.m only 52 1 Stallings Bldg. JEANNE NADAL COSMETICS has opening for 5 salesmen to do direct selling. Must have car. $50 and $75 weekly salary guaranted. Cali 4-7041 for appointment.

and reasonably priced. Scott. 4-4563. MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS Orlando Clipper boats from 315.00. Cartercraft boats from 489.

Cartercraft boats from 489.00, Gator boat trailers. Custom built trailer hitches. Liberal trade-in allowance and 66 DRAPERY MATERIAL. 1st quality, $1 yd. Wallacs Fabric, 2125 2nd N.

4-4214 FURNITURE, WHOLESALE PLUS 10 for cash. We buy and sell used furniture. Call 56-1749; 6-8651. ADD typ writers $25 up. Re-pair, rent, buy.

sell. Ala. Business Mach. 505 N. 22nd.

AL 4-3721. ager will be in Birmingham Thursday afternoon and Friday. Aug. and 24 for interviewing. Telephone Including a new lifetime superior hospital plan, with room benefits to $24 per day.

No limit miscellaneous items, natural and accidental death benefits plus loss of time benefits. I need at once, district managers, branch managers, and agents to work in all parts of the state. Top pay. Leads and advertising furnished free. Sea R.

Cameron. 2022 5th N. terms to fit your budget. ROBERTS SPORTING GOODS Store No. 1, 112 N.

21st St. Store No. 2, 118 S. 22nd St. Plenty of partking space in rear.

Heed 4 debit men, one, special writer Wal superintendent. Must be sober, Ernest and willing to work. Fast vancement, good salary, car 1-nce to those who qualify. Apply till 10 a.m.. Room 407.

United I Security 1823 Ave. E. F.nsley. INSURANCE MEN wanted to sell gkuerica's most outstanding savings plan. Also the newest type of medical expense policy.

Liberal financing and top commissions to those who qualify. No debits to collect and no collection percentage to maintain. Intersting work and an opportunity to build a lifetime Income. Cali J. L.

HARRIS or E. E.I HI 9 6792 or TR 9-6873. jJfVEhTIGATOK some typing, car required ational firm. Excellent salary ptu mux and expenaex. Soothern Jdoyment, 1640 Brown-Marx Bldg XL 1-5258.

I 3 MEN 3 Current Dividend Rate With insured Safety up to SIO 000. Investigate before you in- GUARANTY SAVINGS 6 LOAN ASSOCIATION 2012 NORTH 2ND AVE for appointment Tutwiler Hotel and ask for Mr. L. W. MuUican, WALTER Schoel Engineering Co Needs good Survey Party Chief for survey and construction work in Birmingham.

Permanent postlon end excellent pay scale for expert eneed man. Call Walter Schoel Jr. AL 1-7827. FURNITURE WHOLESALE plug small percentage. Cash or terms.

Call AL 2-4637 or 54-1096. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters $25 up. Portables, filling station cash register 75. Electric typewriter IBM $65. I buy and trade.

4740 1st N. LY 2-3431. One collection manager and two outside collectors. Apply in person. Good salary.

CENTRAL IX) AN CO. 107-B N. 19TH ST. MARINE PAINT, Marine Glue, Ply wood, galv. and Brass Screws, oak framing and boat plans.

ALA. LUMBER SUPPLY CO. 4204 1st South LY 2-6331 SALESMAN to represent nationally known publisher advertising in assigned territory to established trade. Have openings in Bham. New Orleans and Richmond.

Potential of 10.000 up. Starting draw 75 wk. Personnel Consultants. 612 Empire Bldg. AL 1 3247.

GAS STOVE, apt. size. Cold Spot refrigerator. Excellent condition. Call 6-2447.

CURB GIRLS OR BOYS Must be at least 18 years of age. Apply in person. Sombrero Drive In. 2250 Bess. Rd.

SURE, this is a Life Insurance Offer so what? But it is with one of the nation's largest companies and if you are the man I am looking for I can assure you will be earning in excess of $150 per week, after a brief training period. Write Box H-133. care News. WANTED, men for established Fire. Life and H.

4 A. debit. Apply 530 American Life Bldg. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash registers, check protectors, calculators. New and used.

Sold, rented and services. Lowest prices in town. BHAM TYPEWRITER CO. 2331 5th N. 54-8793 2916 Lomb Ave.

56-0804 GAS RANGE. $12 95; 5 PC. dlnett suite, bedsprings. metal coil. $14.95: sofa bed, 19 95.


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM VULCAN BOAT WORKS 300-306 Oxmoor Rd. TR 1-2530 MEN. We have openings for 2 men willing to devote 7 hrs. daily. Can earn $60 a wk.

and up. Age no handicap. We train you from start. Apply 1123 N. 24th St.

8 a.m. to 11 a.m. only. WANTED. First class barber.

$50 week guarantee. Good man can make $75. Phone 134M Brewton. Ala. AIR CONDITIONERS.

Attic unit, with resisters in each room, cools 5 to 6-room home, only $659; terms Call Ed WaldriP, 54-6658. GAS REFRIGERATOR and stove. Cheap for cash. LY 2-3748. CWE IS Cl! FT refrigerator.

4 doors with large freezer. 1956 SALESMAN. Worlds largest packer of frozen fruits and vegetables wants salesman to headquarter In Bham. Age 22-35. Sales experience In grocery field helpful, but frozen food experience not necessary.

Training with experienced salesman. Travel necessary. Salary plus ex-enses. Write K-256. care lews.

LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING ROUTE Starting salary $65 per week. Must Have A-l references to qualify. Call AL 1 -7293 for AIR CONDITIONER. Servel. -ton, used total of about 9 mos.

Call VE 3-9623. WONDERFUL opportunity for an intellengent young man to learn theiWILL hire 1 man for collections and jewelry business. 5-day week, good sales, established territory, guaran-pay, -excellent opportunity for ad-teed income plus bonuses Complete vancement. Apply Mr. William Bromwich.

325 N. 20th St. luxe model with revolving shelves, a of whicij several were damaged. These will MEN WOMEN TAXI CAB DRIVERS Permanent work, good wages, vacation with pay. Must know city well.

Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 1008 N. 19th St. Would You Invest $25 In A $10,000 Annual Income? Let us show you how you can earn $200 a week or more calling on friends and neighbors with our profitable and easy to sell items Invest less than $25 in samples (they are returnable) and start in a business of your own without delay. Be your own boss, work evenings or days as you wish our Plan is unbeatable, a year-round proposition sell for cash or oi time payments at our risk.

Wi make deliveries direct to your cus tomers. This is a non-competitive proposition for the energetic and enthusiastic salesperson who wants to earn a handsome profit. We furnish complete sales training mate rial, also order blanks and litera ture without cost. Start immediately everybody Is a prospect, and you dont need experience to make sales. We are a reliable and established company with 23 years experience: your bank will approve of our rating.

Write for complete details to P. O. Box 970, Department D-3, Wichita 1. Kansas. CENTURY PALOMINO America's Most Beautiful OUTBOARD BOAT Now On Display B'HAM OUTBOARD MARINE RELIEF BILLING CLERK.

5 da top pay. Mrs. Saunders, Central 404 Vi N. 20th 54-8531. ATTIC FAN SPECIAL 42 Pelton fan and automatic celling shutter, both for only $87.

Complete instructions for easy installation. or will install. ESTIMATES FREE SOUTHERN STATES SUPPLY CO. 3816 1st South LY 2-1610 be sold 1st come 1st served. Foe $346.

Regular $529.95. Cooper TV Appliance Service. 1520 Pinson Tarrant VI 1-6486 HIDE A WAY BED. brand new! slightly scratched In ihipping 199 95 value, first 99.95 get it ABERNATHY'S DRIVE-IN FURN. AL 2-6622 2201 2nd S.

Open till 9. MAINTENANCE man to keep our SHIPPING CLERK, high school edu- property In repair, must be good veteran or draft All-around handy man able to ao exempt. Experience preferred CAREER MEN SALES OFFICE TECHNICAL Trainees, experienced and executive. I A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED! We have wonderful openings with top firms at better salaries, excellent working conditions and futures than ever before. SEE US FOR THE BEST There is no substitute for experience WE HAVE THE CONTACTS BLOOD DONORS WANTED DONORS PAID FOR SERVICE COMMUNITY BLOOD SERVICE 1618 3rd Nortn Saturday AL 1-5179 126 South 20th St.

618 3rd West BABY BED and mattress, good condition. 15. 5C-9253. good carpenter work, electric weld- nnt necessary. Call 54-8673 for ap mg.

Install machinery, repair pointment. In' repair etc Permanent' position. STUDENT SALESMEN. 22 28. some tzsrs-st wses? ssbsc wholesale, sales promotion, merchandising and marketing.

New ear furnished. Excellent salary plus nd year ou. Salary 273 per month. hGRAYSON LUMBER CO. St Phone WO 1-1131 plus Hotpoint Electric Ranges APT.

SIZE $25 WILL DELIVER BUTLERS RFFRIGEHATOR1 801 South 18th St. 4-2641 BOILER. A S. 10 American radiator cast iron boiler. rating.

Ideal for use in apt. building, complete with controls and oil burn, er. STANDARD PROVISION CO. 903 N. 25th St.

1S 39th Ue Newi-Poit-Harold Want Ada WAITERS EMPLOYMENT 2026 1st N. bonus. Southern Employment, 1640 Brown Marx AL 1-5258. Full or Part Time Opening for neat appearing men with cars. Experience unnecessary, age no handicap, nationally known products.

Apply 1226 N. 22nd 8 till 12 a.m. 4-7762 WANTED YOUNG OR OLD Male Or Female Full Time Or Part Time xnjvuVMViirriiri CABINET SINK, double drainboard new $69.50. 4607 1st N. LY 2-1579.

55 MONEY TO LEND HOUSEWIFE LOANS. Confidential quick service. Fulton Finance Co. 220 3rd North. 4-4611.

INNERSPRING MATTRESS, ewf S29.95; record cabinet, new, mah. $9.95: 5-PC. dinette suite, new. $2V 95. Amaro-Bennett 2017 3rd Ave.

N- 4-1565. LIVING ROOM group. 7 pieces con sisting of a nice sofa, matching chair, 2 new end tables, coffee ta. ble, 2 new lamps, $39.95. Cash ot terms.

A. A. BONDS FURNITURE CO. (Ala.s Largest Used Furn. Store) 2117 3rd North.

54-1582 COLD DRINK vending machine for sale, good condition. AL 1-5400. DIAPERS. Good used Birdseye fitted diapers, 75c dozen. Infants Diaper Service.

2940 4th South CALL THE EXPERT IT SAVES YOU BOTH TIME AND MONEY loans ALLIED FINANCE COMPANY 205 N. 18th St 4-5477 FANS Experienced or in-experienced. The famous WHITE CROSS PLAN has openings for 7 men or women in and around Birmingham. People who qualify will earn $100 per week up and semi-annual bonus. For evening appt.

call bet. 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. JOHN ANDREWS, 54-8539. BANKERS LIFE Sc CASUALTY CO.

LOANS. Compare and save MU TUAL FINANCE end Thrift Corn of Bham, 2010 N. 3rd Ave. AL 4-3181 Do It yourself kits available for window and attic fans, complete stock fan blades, bearings and motors. STAR HARDWARE 2218 2nd N.

3-8447 MOVING. TRUCKING, STORING 28 BUILDINC, CONTRACTING 19 AUTO MPAIRS, FAINTING tS-A CAUGHT SHORT Loans $5 to 300 Shelby Finance 222 21st 4-4483 Speed and courtesy AL 2-4304 RETAIL WHOLESALE Fiberglass Boat Covering Kits 12 ft. $27.95. 14 ft. $32.95.

16 ft. $39.95 Plastic Boat Paint $1.55 Pt. $2.95 Qt. 8.50 GaL Custom-Bilt Chrome Trailer Hitches $12.50. Exchange for $8.50 Holsclaw Boat Trailers $91.50 Up 17-ft.

Regal Lancer Outboard Cruisers $1,151 Brass Wood Screws and Boat Nails Water Skis $21. Up New 1955 Model 512 P. Oliver Outboard Motors 30 Discount Aluminum and Wood Boats Steering Wheels, Windshields, Horns, Sirens and Marine Hardware AEROMARINE SUPPLY CO. Municipal Airport WO 1-2142 SALESMEN AND ACENTS 48 Phone HOME repairs, carpenter, painting, new additions, sills replaced, concrete work, block roofing. AL 1-9659.

MOVING, cheap, anywhere, day. or night. 53-1772. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING, baked on. $37.50 Tlssler Body 2305 3rd S.

AL MAYTAG de luxe automatic washeik Regular $329.95. repossessed. Bat due sale price $148. TAG tested, approved, guaranteed, terms on delivery. Shafer's, 7705 1st East Lake.

WO 1-4627. NORGE REFRIGERATOR SALK 13x cu. regular $519.95, 319 OS lOVk cu. regular $299.95, 219 95. 8 Mi cu.

regular 219.95, 189 95. 10 cu. regular $239 95, 189,95. 56-1749 6-8651 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS PHILCO has many Interesting and challenging openings for technical personnel in instruction, writing, and maintenance. Positions are Located U.

S. A. and overseas and Require Radio-TV service men who have graduated from a technical school 'Recent radio technical school graduates. Men posssesing military experience on maintenance of communications and radar. CONSOLIDATE YOUR BILLS Ask about our low cost, low month Iv payment consolidation loans.

BOND FINANCE CO. 530 N. 20th St. 4-3674 HEATING SPECIAL. Floor furnaces.

Hunt 50,000 BTU with automatic thermostat and control, $87.50. Installation additional. Bus sey Heating Metal 6503 1st S. LY 2-3323. SALESMAN AGENTS.

Colored, male, female and churches to sell all-occasion Negro subject greeting cards. Sympathy. Get-Well, etc. Also Christmas cards. Send name, ad dress and phone No.


to pay. CAB LUMBER CO. Bhm.Al 2-3738 5-5644 HOME REPAIRS. Inside and out, aluminum screens. Complete Job.

Call Bryant, Bess. 8-4768. MERIT FINANCE 1701 2nd N. 4-5486 FURNITURE LOANS SIGNATURE LOANS Consolidate Your Bills HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs DURRDSUR GIC AL SUPPLY. 54-8673 REFRIGERATOR.

G. $39.50) washing machine, $20: Electrolux cleaner. 25: guaranteed. AL 1 -5792k MOVING, local and long distance: 25 years experience: reasonable insured rates. Bess.

5-3909 day. night THE RATH PACKING CO. BLACK HAWK MEATS We have an opening in Birmingham for an aggressive salesman. This salesman PAINT. Sherman white ready-mixed inside and outside.

Delivered $3 per gallon. Distressed stock. Phone 51-3-3544. PLASTERING, carpentry, brick laying. cement porches and painting All kinds repairs 4-6961 REFRIGERATOR.

Kelvinator, 7 good condition, $30. 8003 7th LY 2-1069. FOR THE BEST In all types of front end work and frame straightening bring your car to Brownell Pon-tlae. 3900 Ave. F.


22nd St. PHONE 54-487 oldsmobile SERVICE PARTS STEEL CITY OLDSMOBILE 413 7th South AL 2-8154 SPtClALIZfD 5IRVICI 16 CONSOLIDATE your small bills auto, furniture and personal loans MODERN CREDIT 1923 man should be experienced in meat i. North. Formerly sales. Complete employe benefit pro- ham Finance services gram.

The man we are interested VETERAN wants moving, hauling 10 years experience. REASONABLE RATES. 58-8307 FLOORS LEVELED, sills replaced, concrt drives, porche. general repair Johnson, 515-0158. StO TO $100 WATER PUMP SERVICE Fairbanks-Morse and Reda pumps Water filters installed, repairs on any pump anywhere.


experience on possessing guided missiles. Only LOAN CO 54-8547 30 PAINTING. PAPERINC in is between 24 and 40 years of age and is an excellent opportunity with a future for a real producer. Please give complete details in first letter, age, experience, references, past and present employers ad-llup w- laln al' dress, and phone number. Write P.

O. Box 1601, Birmingham, Ala. LOANS Signature CENTRAL LOANS, furniture, Easy payments. GENERAL REPAIRS Anv type home addition repair work. Nothin down, 36 mo.

to pay. Also building materiaL Concrete porch work, driveways. Free estimates. LY 1-6375 days. 54-6823 nltes.

REFRIGERATORS. Real nice selection. guaranteed A condition, 39.38 up. Cash or terms. A A.

BONDS FURNITURE CO. tAla.s Largest Used Furn. Store) 2117 3rd North 54-1 58 REFRIGERATORS $39.95. Bed- springs $5.95. Bedroom Suites 49.93, used TV $20 00, Sofa beds 819 95.

STANDARD CLO. Ic FURN. No. 2. 2221 2nd N.

54 REFRIGERATOR, Gibson, late model with freeze chest. $65 cash. VI 1-3453. WALLPAPER AND PAINT SALE Thousands of roll on sale. Pretty wallpaper add so much and costs so little at PIZITZ.

'The Home of Better Wallpaper and Paint." WELL DRILLING. Pumps, Filters, See famous RUTH tc BERRY PUMP actually build up with air and cutoff. Impossible to lose prime. FHA term. Phone AL 2-1536.

TR 9-4094. CHAPMAN WELL DRILLING CO, 2215 24TH NORTH auto, co-maker Extended term. FIDELITY Phone AL 4-3168 2010 1st SITUATIONS WANTED, FEMALE 49 tic Tank Cleaning 11 Ted Carter. TR 1-748 69A FISHING TACKLE UUSIOM BUILT KITCHEN CAB1 NETS, free estimates. 36 mo, bay.

LY Nights. VE 3-4635 PAINTING. PAPERING FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED 54-3777 AAAA BIRDSEYE DIAPERS. L48 Dd ColemaB MAID (col.) wants job ln office or dept, store. AL 2-6759.

FOK ALL wns on Bmm end shrub, call the Tree llni Ini I II II ill 'lB LOANS, $10 TO $100 to working men and women on your SIGNATURE ONLY You may phone your application. PROMPT SERVICE BILLS TACKLE SHOP Cor Morris Ave. and 19th SL 54-1147 doz. Bed sheets. 59c-98c; cases.

25c; I colored sheets. 1.49. Eddie Berman Store. 2410 2nd N. 4-0682.

ANDY ANDERSON. 67-2400 PAINTING. PAPERING FREE ESTIMATES. PRACTICAL NURSE, colored, wants work. Prefer night consider 8 or 12 hrs.

4-0986. Home Remodeling Repairs, re rooting, asbestos siding, kitchen cabinets. Call us for reliable contractors, monthly terms. J. Splawo, AL 1-1122.

WOOD'S REFRIGERATORS FROM $35 UP BUTLERS REFRIGERATORS 801 S. 18Ul St. 4 2641 BUILDING MATERIALS 70 Septic Tank Cleaning r. BUSH. JK BESS 5-0077 sph 1.04 Asphalt driveways.

Nelson JADER DOZER. TR 1 6289 WAY LOAN CO. AAA BIRDSEYE DIAPERS. 11.49. Sheets 50c up: children's boxer jeans 69c; colored sheets, 1.49 J.


FLOORING-PANE LINO-PLY WOOD If Lff I DVrt' AL 2 0297 218 EMPIRE BLDG. TYPISTS. General office worn, attending business college wants part ttme Job. afternoons and all day Saturday. Hour can bo arranged Call AL 2-7105.


SEE. PRICE. Best gHEETBOCK. 50 per thousand. RANGES.

WICKS. JUGS. GRATES, buys ln town. Hundreds to cSe and Set it. 4200 Commerce HANDLES.

SPRINGS. OVEN CON- PAINTING Inside and outside. MY OWN WORK GUARANTEED WO 1-3467 SALARIES 400 to 650 per month commensurate with qualifications PLUS TRAVEL ALLOWANCE Excellent Employe Benefits Include Profit Sharing Retirement Hospitalization Insurance Call PHILCO Employment Representative MR. GEORGE EVANS at ALpIne 3-8161 For personal Interview Aug. 21 thru Aug.

23 Or Write Resume to GEORGE EVANS Phileo Employment Rep. 1220 32nd St. Orlando, Florida MONEY FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING SITUATIONS WANTED, MALE 50 from, including the model S-TmT Royals. Harry Floyd. AL 1-9456.

PAINTING homes, stores, rooms redecorated. Quality work al a very reasonable price. Leigh, 6-1962. LUMBER, clean, sound, sea-MOYING building. no doors, windows, lother building materials.

Elliott, EX-GI desires job. guard or night watchman. 4 years military security guard experience. 51-9-5347. i equipment.

Bargain, practically new. 1128 2nd AL 1-1588. TROLS. BURNERS AND KNOBS GAS HEATERS. RADIANTS FOB I ALL MAKES.

Lowest prices on new or rebuilt gas, electric, coal and oil rarce- Liberal trade-in allowances. WATSON SIMS FURN. CO. 2207 2nd N. AL 1-0308 SEWING MACHINES (a good deal Ask any of our customers.

ham Sewing Machine Co. N. 4-Sia 2gd STEPPING STONES. 2x8x16, 11c each Concrete block and drain tile RUPEROCK BLOCK CO 3301 North 27th Ave. 54-8624 49.50.

OUT OF PAWN Ampro plesIXan CO. 2107 2nd N. miT'nr'piw flU nI PAW SHEET ROCKING and painting new and repair work. Ail work guaranteed. Warren TR 9 3854: TR 9-5089 PAPERHANGING, a i ting and general repairs.

Free estimates Leonard. WO 1 6788 PAINTING AND PAPERING WORK GUARANTEED I WHITE LABOR PAINTING papering, roofing tiding floor sanding, repairs. FHA loans VE 3-4158; VE 3-5404. R. L.

BATES Asphalt Tile, 6c Each ACME FLOORING CO. SEWING MACHINE. New 108 S. 41st St. Ty' 2-9648 treadle type, in perfect Home, condition, $29 50.


Vi 1-1731 Our service Is geared to meet your special needs as well as your rou- tine requirements. We make loans BUILDING SUPERINTEND ENT. a thousanaDd-COereisoaigg S. 4-0721 Well experienced in all lines of i The size of the loan is immaterial construction. StricUy sober.

Best it makes no difference whether reference. Will go anywhere. Mat you want a large amount or a small am amount of cash, for a long time or short. Loans $60 To $2,000 A FINANCE CORPORAT'ON 623 South 20th Street Telephone 54-2476 2006 Second N. Telephone 4-2427 416 North 20th Street Telephone 53-1516 Formerly AC.

Credit Formerly Hartsfield Inc. Sept. 1st. Sold 1 meat case, 4 deepfreezes, SPECIAL Limited time only Tank. 40,000 BTU Radiant Heater.

Tank full of installed. 307.85. down. 10 76 month. ALA.

BUTANE APPLIANCE 1061 Pinson Tarrant BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 52 BESSEMER cafe for white and colored. fully equipped ABC license WAREHOUSE ALL NEW MERCHANDISE MestinEhouse Fans and 8076 off. TV sets, 60 off. Water heaters. Mi Also at give away Coffee makers, Ostorixeri.

drill kits, and many DISTRIBUTORS. Where A Dollar Does Its Duty 2504 2nd North. 54-3525 type, casem*nt, double hung, sliding jalousie windows and doors. COI.E SALES COMPANY 2525 2nd N. 4-4819 loader, dump trucks.

WELLS DRILLED DKLCO AND REDA Plumbing, beating ditch dissin WHITTLE BROS Grsysville PP863IM ONS. vFW ROOM ADI FREE ESTTMaTES CALL 4-3411 HOME INSULATION CO. SEWING machines taken in trad. -Recondition and guaranteed. LUMBER tor remodeling and re- Treadles, console and portables.

PLASTERING, carpentering, painting. roofing, creosoting, general re pairs. References. AT 1-1214. 31-9-4451 Singer Sewing Center, 2814 S.

18th ilk, xl lYCW 1IW VTUimi Homewood. TR 9-7801. St pairing. Du Pont paint. Walnut and rgular sheet rock.

ALA. LUMBER SUPPLY CO. 1204 1st South LY 2-6331 FLOOR Sander, Waxen WaUpapei Steamers, ladder saw for rent GINGOLD 2213 2nd Bulldozer Grading Dirt nd top soil Boyd tegsett. AL -788e PROVEN PROGRESS CEMENT I Sk PORCHES, BAsem*nTS. GARAGES.

ADD ROOM, SMALL BUILDING WALLS BLOCK WORK. 54 6487 SALE appliances price. Cory Cummins other items. DIXIE INC. 2203 3RD AVE.


MUIs at Tarrant City VI 1-4521 COMPLETE BUILDINO SERVICE Financing can he arranged- Bessem Call tROTKCT YOUR HOME WITH DONALD BURGLAR BARS Pat anted onrproqf laetenera AL 4-3963 REPAIRS, addition or new homes Free estimate, easy monthly pay menu. Bass Home Building Repair Co 330 Huffman Rd, Phone VE 3-9445 or VE 3-3518 SEWING MACHINES NEECHI AND ELNA Demonstrator with new guarantee good discount. Singer electric t-adw in. 65. Singer treadle, 35.

Minn. ola treadle, $10. Terms if dexireo. Call O. Cottingham, 57-4071 to- day Limited quantities, or come by 82(, 13th West End, UILOINC CONTRACTING 19 The Southern Food Service Corporation franchise dealer for the National Ben-Hur Food Plan, bearing the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval announces the opening of new offices in Bham, Huntsville.

Gadsden, and Tuscaloosa ln our state-wide chain. ROOFIMi. GUTTERS repaired. tailed All types home repair work Guaranteed Abel. LY 1-4723.

RAOIO TELEVISION REPAIRS 36 WINDOWS 37 YEARS SATISFIED SERVICE USED RUGS Size to fit most any room in plain 55uMWAinrtOliCTlNNINGHAIOME APPLIANCE carved and pattern. Hundreds to) AMERICAN BLUG. it tn( 16C5 Pinxon Tarrant VI 1 552 3.50 4 Jo giNGEB. repossessed. A-l condition.

$3.35 5-year guarantee. Free home 4-2461. IfiSiSttaiiliMita Mr 125 8x19. 8 plain rail 10x12, 8 l.t., plain rail 12x14. l.t plain rail 10x12.

12 Lt Plain rail )ow so TELEVISIONS. RCA. Zenith 3yer rail $1.50 Mhers. JoMIt.msO.up, South FLOORS LEVELED 811.1 A REPLACED, REPAIRS I CAU BRIGHT Wo 1-5131 gm ARPENTER. ALL KINDS OF I FINISH WORK.

CONCRETING, PAD SILLS REPLACED WO 1-3901 ItENTS, GARAGES IY 4794 SOUR Business fair. fixtures, everything goes. For the low price of $1,000. See or call W. H.

Lowry, PADEN REALTY CO. REALTORS If It Can Be Sold. WcCan Sell It CAFE, modern fixtures, good clean; stock, doing a nice profitable huv, ness, corner brick locution, 1 side for white, other side for colored. Separate fixtures each side. License WWWWWW fixtures with stockj with Bood1-.

Phone or coma' in loday' wa tike low rent. Mould be ideal for man and wife. Only 6.500. terms to the 10 right person. For call LEE) K.

An SMITH BLTY. CO Realtor WRIGHT LOAN COMPANY SERVICE TV repair and rentals, all makes Mobile TV eerv 19-8 lee Al RSSU night holiday. 4 07S9 CRtOSOTING We have Immediate penis for salesmen and sales- ins (Next Door to Bank) Old brick for sale.1 RADIO REPAIRS rh from. amVzlM on display at Bhams largest and ATTENTION, finest Rue Cleaning Plant. Contractor al ladu III 1LD HOME' add room brick or 4A HOUSE TREATED.

block work You asms it. wo do It CREOSOTE OR CHI.ORDANF. TR 9-5663. I ATOMIC CREOSOTING. WO 1-0814 Expert repair on any make.

Sat! and iMuse builder, we TELEVISION, ln perfect conditio SEoSoaW bricrt 3n wt.h be.uUlum.hoe.n, cabinet for ZWTtU mrwrtto JMotor Yvk RIDCE FiTIN CO, Ml 8th sl Tual0OM. Ala. Where A Dollar. Doe. IU DuUri Sales.

3315 th Tucalooa OUTHRN STEAM CARPET CI.ESANtNC, CD. 911 2nd Phone AL 1-0248 it aU No roh large or too email Free etlmal Sudd Repair 4-1360 or 6-115 ilNR CALL arge or too small faction flggflSW SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. IU HOUSES TREATED CREOSOTE or CHIORDANE DAVIS CREOSOTING 53-1338 Those selected will be thoroughly trained for permanent positions with chance for rapid advancement into management. Phone 2-5711 or 2-MS0. 7 SWAPS 2504 2nd North 54 35Z3 VACUUM CLEANERS.

ued; over i loaded. Price from $5 to $35. Call 154-2579. CONCRfTt STEPS 19-C $9 or STOVE REPAIRINC 4-1655 FORD 1948 Club coupe. 1 owl -IS? run good.

295. Trade for lot owner, TILEBOARD DELICATESSEN. OWNER SACRI 105 North 19th SL FIC1NG FOR QUICK SALE 57-8041. GET OUT acreage. 54-2676: TR 9-7672.

Vi si tl A blind jwhlte). all RF Al TUI Tom-rcte porrhe and til kind ot concrete work Call i. It McCleney. 54-3253 Al TYPES CONI RKTK WORK DRIVEWAYS PORCHES I WALKS Reasonable Al. t-0370 Concrete work or ah kinds Can do work cheap, own concrete lant Free eatlmatr M-3-1ITI BREST ROCK installed and On tied.

Work guaranteed, free estl- h1 '-I --1 Floor furnace, water heater. CONCRETE DRIVES, PORCHES, warsinn burner to. tailed RECAST step, stoop steppina stones, tables Fee A Concrete Step A Prod S8-81SS HIATING AND PLUMBING 22 GAS STOVES, water beater, heating equipment, repaired and aoid BHAM GA! APPLIANCE CO. 1 1 26 lit 4-2601 Income as follows: Sales men and salesladies average 550 to Senior salesmen. 800 to 1.100 per mo.

Supervisor and branch manager Income will be discussed at time Pt ALL COLORS, 24c SO. FT. rtTcc'1" Jgif gag MAZER WRECKING CO. WASHER. Frigidalre automaUe.

like new will sacrifice. 125 cash. BRAND NEW TV, Sylvania 21. full console, halo light. 5 silver screen.

Will trade for panel or sedan delivery. Or pay difference. 5613 1st LY 2- OF DEBT Consolidate Your Bills LOAHS UP 10 5500 Vi 1J453. UPHOLSTERING CABINETS 41 DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT 350 Ft. Fronting Bessemer Super Hgwy.

BETWEEN BHAM AND BESSF. MER CONCRETE AND STEEL BUILDING, ALSO LARGE STONE HOME. rr BOLSTERING WASHER. Bendi automatic 14928 See at 5017 5th S. Termfc Sola asd chair, only 59.50.

faction guaranteed Hamer, S8-S296 Apply tn person to Lloyd H. a.m. to 12s 2 to 4 p.m. and 1st Ave and 41st SL, S. WO 1-0543 SWAP No.

8 M.V movie camera Ave with projector, screen and all at- KrsffaSsyPKrs? home improvement not come to our office, a phone Quality material furnished lUi rough Sn PEKINGESE PUPPIES, regldtr n-lublf 1 your Kotn- CaD 7 WM.k, old- 50 to 75 values. KITCHEN, ADDROOMS. GARAGES SUPERIOR LOAN SERVICE 1 827 First North AL I WOOD'S to P.m. No i ether urn WASHERS Al kind. 15, up Cash or terrae.

l.M'KWKI.L FURNITU RE CO. North 25th SL AL t-240 SB MATTKESH, new. 20 caA or wap for used bed compietw chest or dresser. LY 3-4743. please and ne phone calls.

work HEMPHILL PI.BG HTG CO. WK AK enu baiaam ATERPROOFLNG. AL I-TJJ6. i PIMM H67M anytime 92v th IX ae-xim- the new repair the old. MOVING, TRUCKING.

STORING It riViNa SialC4LR aarasea. breetewxs. tuu driveway. iwl. door and seen If you have the wu.k, sou my mice Feiy job well done Kirby 53 5tJ4.


VE 3 307 SwSON REALTY VE 3 2541.

The Birmingham News from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.